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Botm thought!!

BOTM revised??

  • Change to secret.

    Votes: 8 28.6%
  • Keep the same.

    Votes: 20 71.4%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
keith actually asked me about this idea via PM and I encouraged him to see what everyone thought.

At one time, we actually did do the official Boat of the Month vote without the voters names being made public. We then decided to switch around the rules based on member feedback.

The main reason why we switched up the rules was because we wanted to stop people from vote stuffing, which was a problem from time to time.

I think the problem with going back to the non-public voting is that we might end up back with some of the same issues becoming a problem once again.

No one is crying about anything. These were just possibiltys why there are so many veiws and not very many votes. I understand more poeple can veiw then vote, but there are alot of guys who can vote and don't. Thats all this is about, just to try an answer a question that was being talked about.

I guess i should had made it more simple,
Do you guys think there would be more votes if they weren't public?
What happened to Jimway?

He was quite the story teller...I kinda enjoyed his view on things.

Don't give a crap either way about BOTM.

Same here. But I do miss Jimway. And Wicked Wendy.
What's this about karzrus going rogue on us?
karz- Turn back from the dark side.
These were just possibiltys why there are so many veiws and not very many votes. I understand more poeple can veiw then vote, but there are alot of guys who can vote and don't.

what is the average ratio of views to votes? If you vote then look at the thread for updates ten times well you alone will induce a 10:1 ratio....
so you really have no idea how many arn't voting them, why change it on mere speculation?

this was my first month to vote, 12 months took a while :bigthumb:
Oh geez,
No i dont know exact numbers, thats not the point. I can see whos voting and i dont see alot of names that could be.
Just a simple question, do you think there would be more votes if it was not public?
I only voted for Melvin's AGAIN, cuz I want him to sell it to me! Maybe should not vote so he thinks it's fugly and will for sure sell it!
I only voted for Melvin's AGAIN, cuz I want him to sell it to me! Maybe should not vote so he thinks it's fugly and will for sure sell it!

If that works out for you, then I guess I'll have to Start? ....? Stop? voting for your boat?:confused:

Tell you what, I'll do what ever voting it takes to get your boat off you for cheap.:bigthumb:
If that works out for you, then I guess I'll have to Start? ....? Stop? voting for your boat?:confused:

Tell you what, I'll do what ever voting it takes to get your boat off you for cheap.:bigthumb:

:rof: :rof: Everything is always for sale, "cheap" is relative to the person! :bigthumb:

Maybe what we've figured out here is that the issue with the public voting isn't any of the things you mentioned....

Maybe the real problem is that the way it is now is that you can't sell, or strategically vote without being called out! :rof:

No one is crying about anything. These were just possibiltys why there are so many veiws and not very many votes. I understand more poeple can veiw then vote, but there are alot of guys who can vote and don't. Thats all this is about, just to try an answer a question that was being talked about.

I guess i should had made it more simple,
Do you guys think there would be more votes if they weren't public?
Hi keith,

Part of the cause for the lack of votes last month is my fault in that I started it so late.

I've been really busy and sometimes and I just plain run of out free time to get the BOTM contest up as there daily things that I do to keep the board going each day.

I'll try my best to get the polls up earlier in the month so that leaves a bit more time for people to vote.

This month I'll try to start the nomination elimination poll up around the 15th or so and we'll run that for about a week.....and then I'll put the official poll up and we'll run that for roughly a week. :)

That does mean though that people will have to get their nominations in more quickly though. :thumb:

Keith makes a valid point, there are members who won't vote as the poll is set up now. This is a good topic, keep the votes and opinions coming! :thumb:
I say grow up this is'nt high school ! If your afraid to vote because you might make a buddy mad you don't need to be voting:lol: I personally thought it was about the boat not WHO OWNS IT!!!!!!
Hey I got an idea, Maybe I could win one day

I'd have to submit a picture first......, but...... with a low voter turn out at the polls, I could bribe 3-4 guys to vote for me and bingo, I'm in:D

Oh, I just had a second thought(I know I'm at my limit for the day), but that's why Keith is complaining. Brian's already got this down to a science.:poke::rof:
The hole boat of the month thing is being taken too personal I personally dont vote for to many outboard boats if this pisses somebody off who gives a ---- I know I dont get a life we all love our boats and if they get BOTM great but if not no BIG DEAL! I better stop now before somebody gets the feeling hurt or worse yet a dose of reality that it's all for fun! just sayin