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Botm thought!!

BOTM revised??

  • Change to secret.

    Votes: 8 28.6%
  • Keep the same.

    Votes: 20 71.4%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Keith makes a valid point, there are members who won't vote as the poll is set up now. This is a good topic, keep the votes and opinions coming! :thumb:

I agree. Hay, most everyone wants the cover shot if possible. And sometimes I see 3 or 4 boats that I think should win, but just can't make up my mind. And yea, people sometimes vote for a friends boat, which is 100% OK.

But I wonder,,,,,, it might be cool to try a secret ballet for a month or two, just to see if the total vote count goes up. What if there was a dramatic increase in voters? That would prove or disprove Keith's hypothesis. Just a thought.

Oh and I have a cool shot of my jet all the way out of the water, taken by Sim. Should I post it for next month? Just kidding LOL! :D It'''''''''s all good!
Its all good, the main point was missed and taking afar but thats normal for this site.
I personnaly could care less if no one votes, I was just pondering if more would if it was not public.