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Cass Lake Mates

that may be what i end up doing, i am going to try for sunday if it dosen't rain like they are calling for!

Droped the boat in the water today around 4pm. Weather was cold. Ran great only a handful of boats out. Seen a couple being put in at Dodge Park and the docks are still not in. Water level is down about 8-12". Could be becuase they're rebuilding the bridge connecting Sylvan Lake and Cass. My boat is the only one in at the marina so far.
Droped the boat in the water today around 4pm. Weather was cold. Ran great only a handful of boats out. Seen a couple being put in at Dodge Park and the docks are still not in. Water level is down about 8-12". Could be becuase they're rebuilding the bridge connecting Sylvan Lake and Cass. My boat is the only one in at the marina so far.

got stuck doing house work and didn't get the chance to get it out. hopefully this coming weekend. we rode over on the bikes and checked it out saturday and no docks so i figured no one would be putting them in on sunday.
81, weather permiting we're heading out Friday after work. If it rains we'll be in the bar drinking. Sould be on the water after 5pm.
I have friday afternoon free! Awhole lot of work on the boat till then. If I get'r done and its somewhat nice I'll try to find my way up to cass lake, what and were would the said bar. I have to go now and pick up a couple of new batteries.Thats 1 less possablity of me not making it.Now only 10 others to eliminate by Friday.
I have friday afternoon free! Awhole lot of work on the boat till then. If I get'r done and its somewhat nice I'll try to find my way up to cass lake, what and were would the said bar. I have to go now and pick up a couple of new batteries.Thats 1 less possablity of me not making it.Now only 10 others to eliminate by Friday.

i assume he is talking about o'tools, you will pass by it when going into the state park entrance. if the weather looks good i'll take the boat with me to work then head that way after!
Turned out to be a warm dry nite.I was still putting the starflite together. I'll try again. Jeff :surf:
Anything Going on this Holiday Weekend at Cass or out in St Clair.I'm off wed,thur,fri,sat,sun.Had an appraisail right on cass this past week looks like a nice lake to spend time on. :cheers
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looks like a nice lake to spend time on. :cheers[/quote]

Great lake during the week and on friday night. Saturdays is the type of day you find yourself a chunk of sand bar to park on or go in the very back bay by the boat launch and hang out. The lake begins to thin out around dinner time. I found the Friday nights everyone is out at the bars partying and not on the lake.

Looking to get out this week and week end.

The Lake variers in depth from a couple of feet to around 110 feet. No real debris on the bottom to worry about. If you go to Michigna DNR web site you can down load topos of the lake bottom showning you all of the depths.
Was out on Sunday before the sky turned black. Water temps were nice did some tubbing with the family. Forgot my gas cans and had to pay $4.75 per galon for weak 89 oct. OUCH!