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Central Michigan Mates

anyone in in the tri city area have a 23 pitch prop i can try for a bit? 3 or 4 blade, just needed for a base line. the prop i have is not marked so i have no idea what i have..........my boat and your prop gets you out on the water for a bit:bigthumb:
central Michigan mates

I live here on HoughtonLake so find me here on the water between long point and the north shore .

I have a 23p aluminum prop. Also have the 23P stainless on the sportfire, but it looks like it will be enroute to Pittsburgh soon.

Not sure how to get the prop to ya, but you're welcome to it for a few days for a test run. My schedule is crammed, so I can't get up there soon for a run.

Let me know if you have ideas...
waiting on a new stator, i should be up and running for the week end. i might give you a shout.
Any plans for the holiday weekend???? I hope to be on the water somewhere.
Any body getting their boat out for the Holiday weekend? I hope to be on the river at least one day.
i plan on spending a few days on the river this weekend...

hopefully its cleared out for the weekend, i tried it about a week and a half ago, i went about 1/4 mile turned around and put it back on the trailer, tons of floaties out there.:irked:
i am staying in town myself, so........ i am hoping to do sanford lake one day and saginaw river another. anyone heading out?
i'll be out 3 days in a row but up here in the boonies:brickwall: i'll be on torch lake 2 of the days and lake bellaire the other.......let me know how everyones weekend turns out!
I think I'm heading down to Sandusky Bay on Saturday morning thru Sunday morning then load up and drive home and hit my home waters (sugar Island/ crystal bay) for sunday afternoon/nite then to work on monday.

I'm going to give that bonfire ideal on Friday afternoon, August 1st at the sand bar a dry run.I'll stay on the boat saturdaynite after the fire goes out.

The Only proplem is ITS THE STANLEY CUPS OPENING GAME SAT.NITE plus the PISTONS 3rd GAME.:brickwall:

Every have fun this weekend and drive it like you stole it.:cheers
I am very close to being ready for the water, hoping to be out this weekend.
I am very close to being ready for the water, hoping to be out this weekend.
Being close and being on the water is two completely two different concepts! Only kidding LOL.

What are U lacking to on this weekend? GOOD LUCK:thumb:
Thanks for pointing that out Merc. Things are looking very promising for a weekend on the water. If indeed it happens, I will do a complete photo documentary.
:banana::banana::banana::banana:FINALLY GOT IT FIGURED OUT :banana::banana::banana::banana:


Ill probably be on the river sat afternoon and sunday. depending on who else is comin out...

com'on guy lets burn some $4 fuel!!!! :banana: