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Checkmates at a boat show!!!!!!


Well-known member
I am delivering a load of boats to Diamond Marine in East Haven CT.

They will be taken to the Norwalk CT boat show as soon as they get unloaded.

The show starts next Thursday and runs through the weekend.

I'll post more when I know more.
I am delivering a load of boats to Diamond Marine in East Haven CT.

They will be taken to the Norwalk CT boat show as soon as they get unloaded.

The show starts next Thursday and runs through the weekend.

I'll post more when I know more.

Cool....right down the road from me...about an hour or so away
I went to the Clinton Ct. boat show a month or so ago and they had new Checks there. I think they are from the same dealer.
I gotta tell ya. The new checkmates are nice, especially the bigger ones with McCleod interiors. The two bigger ones from the show are still on eBay.
hey coop or sbf are you haullin any to cleveland,toledo,or detroits boat show ? all after newyear ?
i will be at the cleveland boat show this year with some am not sure how big of a spot we got yet but i am going to take a few up.

I'd like to go to the Cleveland Show. If I can find a couple of dicount coupons for the admission that would be cool. Hint.....Hint...

Just got word today that the Boat Dock Marine Group will be displaying Checkmates at the Charlotte, Raleigh, and Greensboro shows in North Carolina, the Richmond VA show, as well as the shows in Columbia and Charleston SC.
We'll have representation @ the Cleveland Show.......i'll see if i can get a show schedule together for you guys asap.......didn't see Jimmy's post.
Hey CPR-7, is that the Charleston Boat Show at the Convention Center in N. Charleston January 25? I didn't see The Boat Dock Marine Group (unless the dealer is another name) on the list as of now, but I know those lists are not necessarily up to date. I may have to talk to Richard and see if he needs any help that weekend. You haven't said exactly what business you were in, but are you coming?
Just got word today that the Boat Dock Marine Group will be displaying Checkmates at the Charlotte, Raleigh, and Greensboro shows in North Carolina, the Richmond VA show, as well as the shows in Columbia and Charleston SC.
I just delivered the boats to these guys this week. It was 80 degrees there, I didn't want to leave.:sssh:
Yep, it was 82-84 all week here. Too bad I never got to take the boat out. Mine hasn't been out since July 4th. That's sad.