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Does a BAJA mold make a good CHECKMATE

Using Former Baja Moulds To Build Checkmates Is...

  • Is a good idea!

    Votes: 4 10.3%
  • Is a bad idea!

    Votes: 26 66.7%
  • I don't care!

    Votes: 9 23.1%

  • Total voters
its quite possible if Doug did not buy Checkmate the doors would be closed at least due to lack of sales . Doug brought a fresh set of ideas and much needed updates to Checkmate . just the fact that Checkmate is about the only boat company building boats in this size and price range is proof somebody is buying the boats. I saw nothing wrong with trying a few Baja hulls as long as the Checkmate hulls were still made available if someone wanted to order one. At this point in the boating industry all hulls are a splash of another hull. it is the way the boat is built that counts and adds lasting value i have not seen any corners cut on Doug's boats im sure there are a few problems here and there but overall the brand is holding up well under Doug's ownership.

I like all the newer Checkmates and can see alot of great effort put into each model to keep the brand selling in this economy. I feel these boats are no different then all new models being produced such as cars, electronics, snowmobiles or all other products changing everyday. Either change with the times or tag along behind everyone wishing you did. All you ZT owners on here have very nice boats and I would be proud to drive any of them especially my favorite boat on the forum, Sippy's rig is the bomb. Im out. Jeff
Sippy has a really nice rig I wish I could afford to buy it. A zt280 is not a Baja hull. Isn't it a 270 with a molded platform? It's at least similar. Bottom line is its a checkmate hull. One that will likely be replaced.
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looks good to me.
I like it. at the end of the baja/checkmate debate if the baja molds are being used checkmate people are putting down the glass. molds change over the years just look at the different models that have come and gone before Doug purchased the company. He could have let all the "checkmate people" go and brought in nothing but "baja people" but he did not. the boat are still being made the checkmate way even if they are a little fatter but some of us have put on a little weight as well. As long as doug keeps the door to my favorite boat company open and selling boats I am happy with what is being rolled out the doors.
He could have let all the "checkmate people" go and brought in nothing but "baja people" but he didnt .

Might need to check your facts a bit better,, or look for yourself at CM. I think Mike combs...Parts,,, Kip Combs... Sales and maybe one other is left... from the original Checkmate crew..

Dont really care what they build anymore, Dont like the cm baha boats, but thats my thoughts.
Might need to check your facts a bit better,, or look for yourself at CM. I think Mike combs...Parts,,, Kip Combs... Sales and maybe one other is left... from the original Checkmate crew..

Dont really care what they build anymore, Dont like the cm baha boats, but thats my thoughts.

I apologize if I am incorrect on the statement above I was recalling what I read either on here or somewhere else. I just like that the doors are still open and selling boat. I personally look towards the older boats as that is what I like. but if I ever could buy a new one it would be a 2400 BRX or 2800 OBX :thumb:
Lets take a good look at the boats that are being debated.
All these boats are part of the 2012/2013 line-up offered by Checkmate.










Call me crazy, but these are some dam nice looking boats --- and their unmistakably Checkmate.....
I am very happy that Checkmate is still building/selling boats ---- My thanks to Doug / Kip / Mike, and the rest of the crew in Ohio

nice pics for those who posted pics. i was not a fan of a molded swim platform yrs ago either until i saw one (ZT280) in person. Its great to have opinions and state preferences but style like colors are very subjective and opinons do change there can never really be a right or wrong its upto the individual . years ago when the Beckmates were being phased in i remember asking how will we as a community treat the new style boat owners. i totally get the football shape jokes there ok as long as we remember there is a deference between an opinion and an insult. some day on the water you may see and meet the owner of a new Zt 244 or Zt 275 or a Doug Smith era made Checkmate will you greet the person with an insult or a welcome. most likely a welcome. so why "post" such negative comments. 2 yrs ago i meet a guy with a new ZT275 i sat on his boat and it had a ton of room and fit his family and there life style and he was excited and new to the brand. i share the same opinion as most on here about the ZT275 style but i was happy that it was a Checkmate. i did mention to him that older Checkmates (pre Doug Smith) were build better and were sprinkled with pixy dust but he didnt buy it and we both had a good laugh.
I love boats. I love checkmates. I love powerboats. There is a pride involved when talking about brands. We're proud to own checkmates. There fast. They don't look like every other boat out there. I don't hate bajas. In fact if it gets people on the water I don't even hate bayliners. I have friends with bajas. The Baja mold mates are not terrible. Some look pretty good. Its just the fact that our brand, that we are so proud of, our boats are being replaced. Not with new models, with old Baja molds. The zt275 couldn't be closer to the Baja boss 275. It even has some of the same name. The punisher is different because its not replacing anything. I'm glad there in business. I'm glad there are still new checkmates. But when they eventually replace all the mates with old Baja molds it will be upsetting. New boats and new designs are great. It's part of life. Change is good. This is different. We love our style of boat. For some reason a lot of people around here prefer cm over Baja. Myself included. Probably because we know that with similar power, ours is faster. It's pride. Probably because we have met someone with a Baja who thought he had the baddest 24 omutlaw ever. Then we spanked him. I have met a few Baja owners who were jerks and full of them self. We all have. It's not just that they are changing to a new design, it's what they are changing to. I'm proud to own a checkmate. I wish the ownership all the best and continued success. As long as you can still order a mate that looks like a mate, then it's fine for them to sell boats with the Baja mold. I hope it helps their business. I hope everyone who had or will buy them the best if luck. We'll stand together. Now lets go beat up on some bajas. Cuz we all know 496 bajas are slower than 496 mates. So checkmate owners new and old, lets hit the water and remember the pride we have for our brand.
I love boats. I love checkmates. I love powerboats. There is a pride involved when talking about brands. We're proud to own checkmates. There fast. They don't look like every other boat out there. I don't hate bajas. In fact if it gets people on the water I don't even hate bayliners. I have friends with bajas. The Baja mold mates are not terrible. Some look pretty good. Its just the fact that our brand, that we are so proud of, our boats are being replaced. Not with new models, with old Baja molds. The zt275 couldn't be closer to the Baja boss 275. It even has some of the same name. The punisher is different because its not replacing anything. I'm glad there in business. I'm glad there are still new checkmates. But when they eventually replace all the mates with old Baja molds it will be upsetting. New boats and new designs are great. It's part of life. Change is good. This is different. We love our style of boat. For some reason a lot of people around here prefer cm over Baja. Myself included. Probably because we know that with similar power, ours is faster. It's pride. Probably because we have met someone with a Baja who thought he had the baddest 24 omutlaw ever. Then we spanked him. I have met a few Baja owners who were jerks and full of them self. We all have. It's not just that they are changing to a new design, it's what they are changing to. I'm proud to own a checkmate. I wish the ownership all the best and continued success. As long as you can still order a mate that looks like a mate, then it's fine for them to sell boats with the Baja mold. I hope it helps their business. I hope everyone who had or will buy them the best if luck. We'll stand together. Now lets go beat up on some bajas. Cuz we all know 496 bajas are slower than 496 mates. So checkmate owners new and old, lets hit the water and remember the pride we have for our brand.

well stated ,I also hope Checkmate stays true to the nice sleek fast hulls with top notch gelcoat work. all the good things they are known for.
I love boats. I love checkmates. I love powerboats. There is a pride involved when talking about brands. We're proud to own checkmates. There fast. They don't look like every other boat out there. I don't hate bajas. In fact if it gets people on the water I don't even hate bayliners. I have friends with bajas. The Baja mold mates are not terrible. Some look pretty good. Its just the fact that our brand, that we are so proud of, our boats are being replaced. Not with new models, with old Baja molds. The zt275 couldn't be closer to the Baja boss 275. It even has some of the same name. The punisher is different because its not replacing anything. I'm glad there in business. I'm glad there are still new checkmates. But when they eventually replace all the mates with old Baja molds it will be upsetting. New boats and new designs are great. It's part of life. Change is good. This is different. We love our style of boat. For some reason a lot of people around here prefer cm over Baja. Myself included. Probably because we know that with similar power, ours is faster. It's pride. Probably because we have met someone with a Baja who thought he had the baddest 24 omutlaw ever. Then we spanked him. I have met a few Baja owners who were jerks and full of them self. We all have. It's not just that they are changing to a new design, it's what they are changing to. I'm proud to own a checkmate. I wish the ownership all the best and continued success. As long as you can still order a mate that looks like a mate, then it's fine for them to sell boats with the Baja mold. I hope it helps their business. I hope everyone who had or will buy them the best if luck. We'll stand together. Now lets go beat up on some bajas. Cuz we all know 496 bajas are slower than 496 mates. So checkmate owners new and old, lets hit the water and remember the pride we have for our brand.

I 100% agree. To me, its like taking a Camaro, built by Henry Ford with mustang fenders, roof and doors and calling it a Camaro!! Is it going to sell? Well yeah!! Am I going to like it? Nope. But am I going to think differently of the person who bought it, simply for buying it? Absolutly not!! I think, as long as an owner is happy, thats all that matters. But it doesn't mean I have to like it, or want one for myself.

Now a lot of you might not know this about me, so I am going to throw myself out to the wolves a little here and air some "dirty family laundry". Do you know what is parked right next to my Checkmate in my barn? You guessed it.... a Baja. My dad has had a Baja for over 25 years. I grew up on one. So do I hate Baja's? No, but I do think they got pretty dag gone ugly in their later years. However, I do LOVE my Checkmates!!! So I hate to see them not staying true to their roots. But it is what it is, and I know my opinion isn't going to change anything, just the same way nobody on here is going to make me change my opinion. All I can do is be happy with my pre-doug Checkmate, which I absolutely am!!! I love my boat and anybody that knows me personally knows that I would never be a "richard" to somebody simply because they bought a new Checkmate, or a Baja, or a Bayliner, or a wakeboard boat, or even a sail boat....ok, I went a little far there.... I would probably make fun of you for showing up to the party spot in a blow boat. Seriously, anybody come up to me on the water, and I'll toss ya an ice cold beverage, shoot the poop with ya, and ask ya how your boat runs. But beware, if you ask me my opinion on something, I'm gonna tell it.
The only "new" models that I don't like are the new 20' BRX and the ZT275. The brx just rounds the bow down too much on such a short boat. I think the 275 would look much different with a shorter, sportier windshield. They are just too tall and too rounded contributing to the Nerf look. I have seen older Baja 272 and 275's in person and they aren't my favorite but they don't look bad either. Take and cut those windshields down a bit and don't round the top edge of the sides extending toward stern, and I think they would look decent. That windshield is meant for cruisers, not Convincors.
I agree with Gimme Fuel in respect to the windshields. The sporty look that the older windshields added to the entire look of the boat is gone. The new ones are too tall on some models and the way the top frame swoops down on the sides drives me nuts. The top frame itself is even rounded. And don't get me going on the polycarbonate windscreens. Not sure about the rest of you but even with all of the style changes to the hulls though the years the windshield has always seemed to scream "I am a Checkmate". It was just one of those staples that needed no introduction.
I spoke with Kip about this last year because a boat that I was looking at had the new style windshield. If I remember correctly (not quoting kip) he said something like "you know it's funny you should say that, the windshield was the one thing my dad never liked through all of the years. he always wanted a different design". Well I'm sure glad they didn't change sooner. I like my windshield:D I think Kip said the manufacturer went OOB and they had to look elsewhere. Oh well we have to change with the times. I too am very happy that Checkmate is doing well and competing in the market. Just don't sway too far from what makes them desirable to the loyal:surf:

As far as the baja molds making good Checkmates? I am more concerned about a quality layup schedule. I haven't heard of them cutting corners in that respect
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