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Even More CL Finds!

On the New Orleans craigslist is a listing for a vintage 60's speed boat, it appears to be a V mate, I or II I can't tell. Seems to be a little optimistic on the price. Sorry, don't know how to post it.
So I’ve been thinking about putting a bid on the brand new 79 Persuader Jet. But after sleeping on it, if I did purchase it......what would you do with it????

Put a period correct 460 Olds in it? A cheaper 454? Have Corey build an L6 for it?

But then again, after 41 yrs of never being in the water, it’s so perfect......it would be a shame to get it wet now. I think it would be cool to just keep it has a show boat/ museum piece......:bigthumb:
Shannon, she's just sitting there, waiting for you to make an offer. She's definitely a one of a kind and absolutely Gorgeous to boot.
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The 01 Pulsare BR, does anyone know how many hours on the motor?

Price is reasonable

At 20 years old now, I would be a little bit more concerned about the core and transom than I would hours on the motor.
At 20 years old now, I would be a little bit more concerned about the core and transom than I would hours on the motor.

This may not be the best area on the forum to ask this question, but
I have heard about the problems with wet cores and transoms on the older Pulsares a few times on this forum.

Where does the water soak in?

I would think if the four bolts that hold the motor or Jack plate to the transom were properly sealed, as well as a good seal between the cap and the hull, water wouldn’t get into the transom wood or the core.

Please elaborate
This may not be the best area on the forum to ask this question, but
I have heard about the problems with wet cores and transoms on the older Pulsares a few times on this forum.

Where does the water soak in?

I would think if the four bolts that hold the motor or Jack plate to the transom were properly sealed, as well as a good seal between the cap and the hull, water wouldn’t get into the transom wood or the core.

Please elaborate

Plenty more screw penetrations, battery hold down, bilge pump, seat bases, wire looms, rub rail, ski bar, transom tie downs, lights. Then with use the boat might develop a crack in the glass work bonding the floor to the sides or stringers or if the floor gets soft from the seat base penetrations that creates movement and the glass opening up.

Water in behind anywhere creates swelling that spreads the problem.
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Yes, all that. Seat bases were a major problem for both the floor and core. As the floors get slightly weak (often not noticeable) the seats flex downwards and the long screws CMate used would then puncture the fiberglass over the core. Double whammy.
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Are the mentioned problem areas exclusive to Checkmate Pulsare 2100 models?

Or older Checkmate boats in general?

Or most fiberglass boats built with wood?
Most or all old boats with wood have the same issues, Checkmates are actually better than a bunch of others as the wood is all encapsulated on Checkmates unlike some other brands. But there are trouble areas and some common poor rigging and maintenance practices that cause issues.
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94 283 Convincor w- 454 Mags for 26K.

89 251 Convincor w- 454 for 10K.

08 240 ZT w- 6.2L for 26K.

89 Starflite w- 250 Yamaha for 20K. Wow!

97 2100 BR Pulsare w- 200 Merc for 15K.

90 Senator project for $600.
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That Senator seems right up my alley (and it's close by), and I have a 454 and a bravo 1 sitting in my new Garage! On the other hand, I have a bunch of projects already! Decisions, decisions.
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Go for it Jumbo! It looks like a cool project boat!

I was drooling over the 89 S-Flite pics....I always thought the Starflite dash was a piece of art w- all the different curves and angles. You don’t see mold work like that anymore!