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Even More CL Finds!

91 301 Maxxum w- dual 506’ for 30K.

014 2400 BRX w- 300SX for 52K.

86 Enchanter w- 200 Mariner for $5700.

94 186 Pulse w- 150 Evinrude for 12K.

89 Sportfire w- 4.3L for $5500.

87 Sportfire w- 150 Mercury for $6500.

83 Diplomat project for $400.

V161 w- 70 Evinrude for $850.
99 234 Persuader w- 454 for 22.5K.

86 Eluder w- 350 for $6800. Sharp!

87 Sportfire w- 200 Merc for $3900. Clean-

81 Diplomat w- 115 Merc for 5K.
92 Persuader GT w- 454 for 13.5K.

92 Persuader GT project for $3900.

90 Vision w- 350 for 8K.

92 219 Persuader w- 350 for 12.5K.

00 2100 BR Pulsare w- 225 Merc reduced to 21K.

93 202 BR Persuader w- 350 for $9950.

79 Enchanter w- 200 Johnson for $4750.

86 17’ Spectra w- 150 Evinrude for $6100.

87 Playmate GT w- 50 Yamaha for $6500.
90 229 Maxxum w- 200 Merc reduced to 10.5K.

82 Enchanter w- 200 Merc for 6K. Flake!

89 200 BR Spectra w- 200 Johnson for 5K. Good deal?

08 1850 Pulsare w- 175 Evinrude for 34K.

94 186 Pulse w- Merc for 12.5K. Clean-

94 185 BR Pulse w- Merc for 12.5K.

86 Eluder w- 350 for $6800. Sharp-
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Reactions: SCT
Karzru, is ‘Kijiji’ very popular in Canada? I understand it’s just like Craigslis?

I think that 89 Spectra is a good deal on a clean CM if anyone is looking for a cheap run-about. Clean CMs are getting harder and harder to find......

Good luck
Karzru, is ‘Kijiji’ very popular in Canada? I understand it’s just like Craigslis?
You have it right, at least here in Western Canada, Kijiji, Auto trader and Facebook are the three best ways to sell or find what you want. All of the car dealers advertise on Kijiji and Auto trader up here.
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Reactions: JW
98 303 Convincor w- 454s for 39K.

300 Convincor w- 502s for 35K.

86 Enchanter w- 350 for $4995.

86 Sportfire w- 205 hp for $5900.

85 Diplomat IO project for $450.
01 270 BR Convincor w- 500 EFI for 39.9K.

06 2400 Pulsare w- 250 Merc for 24.9K.

90 Strobe w- 350 for 14K.

05 186 Pulse w- 200 Yamaha for 16K.

89 Sportfire w- 90 Merc for $5300.

86 17’ Spectra w- 150 Evinrude reduced to $5,750.

80 Predictor w- 150 Merc for 5K.

00 1600 BR Pulsare w- 125 Merc for 8K.

76 InMate project for $200.
88 Vision w- 454 for 17.5K.

90 Starflite w- 300 Merc for 19.5K.

84 Enchanter w- 225 Evinrude for 14.9K.

90 186 Pulse w- 175 Merc for 24.5K CAN.

77 V-Mate II w- 115 Johnson for 5K.

92 170 Pulse w- 135 Merc for $7900.

87 Enticer w- 90 Evinrude for $6500.
89 251 GTX Convincor w- BB for 20K.

01 240 ZT w- 496 Mag for 32.8K.

85 Enchanter Jet w- 454 for 9K.

84 Exciter IO w- 350 for 11.5K.

88 17‘ Spectra w- 150 Yamaha for $6500.
89 251 GTX Convincor w- BB for 20K.

That Convincor is gorgeous, but there's gotta be something up with it. I say that because this is the 3rd season it has been for sale, same location of Rochester NY but it still has Missouri registration. The description has changed a bit too, in previous descriptions it has said the transom has been replaced, i think the stringers too, but this description says original and well kept. I could be wrong, boat and listing might be legit, just seems something is fishy to me. Maybe it's the Convincor i'm supposed to buy and that's why it hasn't sold.... lol :unsure:
Last edited:
94 219 Persuader w- 460’ for $9500.

89 201 Spectra w- 150 Merc for $6500.

09 1850BR Pulse w- 115 Merc for 22.5K.

84 Excitper IO for 10.9K.

09 170 BR Spectra w- 120 Johnson for $4900.

76 Predictor project for 7K.
05 240 ZT w- 496 for 37K.

89 Enforcer IO project for $1500.

92 230 Enforcer w- 454 for 15K.

82 Exciter w- 135 Merc for 10K.
97 253 Convincor w- 8.2L for 31.9K.

88 221 Vision w- 400’ for 13K.

94 2100 Pulsare w- 200 Merc for 18K.

87 Starflite w- 250 Yamaha for 39.9K.

93 18’ Persuader w- 4.3L for $4,450.
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Reactions: JW
89 251 Convincor w- 468’ for 18K.

89 Enforcer w- 454 for 18K.

00 218 Persuader w- 350 for 11.5K.

84 Enchanter w- 225 Evinrude reduced to 12.9K.

77 Predictor w- 135 Merc for $3900.
88 251 Convincor project for $8800.

83 Enforcer w- 454 for 22.5K.

82 Enforcer proj for $1500. Old Hickory!

89 229 Maxxum w- 460’ for 11K.

88 Ambassador w- 350 for $8,400.

96 186 Pulse w- 2.5 Merc for 10K.

88 Exciter IO w- 350 for 10K. Sharp!

88 Eluder w- 175 Evinrude for $7500.
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Reactions: JW