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Even More CL Finds!

1989 251' GTX w- a blown 509 for 12.5K. Needs a good sanding/buffing.

1989 251' GTX w- a 454, new paint and interior for 15K.

2010 Convincor 300 "Factory" demo w- 496HO on ebay. I really like this boat.

I really like the '88 repaint ----- that one is somewhere around my neck of the woods --- I may go check it out this weekend.

AS nice as the 2010 demo is, I would also go with the repaint. And I do not really go for repaints (scratches and stuff) love the candy red though. Been in auto body all my life and have never painted a boat. Maybe one day I should give it a whirl. I know.:offtopic: Sorry :D
I wonder if she comes with the boat. Since he included a picture I would hope she does.

As long as it comes with that chrome prop he's talking about. That must have pushed it to 80 mph with the starter motor, seeing how it turns over but doesn't run:shakehead:

OK, somebody on here NEEDS to go look at this 251'! This might be the deal of the summer!

Mid 80s 251' Convincor w- 454 for $5,500.00 OBO. I'm sure this boat needs some tlc but this could be a great deal for someone looking for a 25'.

15' Checkmate w- Merc 80 and trailer for $935.00! This could be a cool little toy for someone......nice looking little boat!

1981 Entertainer w- 200 Merc for $800.00. I would buy the package, keep the 200 Merc and trailer and burn the boat. http://okaloosa.craigslist.org/boa/3884439196.html

1997 242' Convincor w- HP500 for 21K. http://desmoines.craigslist.org/boa/3884246525.html

1987 Enchanter IO.....very cool "Resto".
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1987 251 Convincor w- 454 Mag for 8K. From the pixs.....this looks like a good deal for a 25'. http://albany.craigslist.org/boa/3891116151.html

Predictor w-a Force125 for $3.5K. Just looks like a nice clean little boat. If it was closer I would buy it for a ski boat for the kids. http://annapolis.craigslist.org/boa/3890513219.html

1976 TriMate w- 150 Johnson for $800.00. http://columbia.craigslist.org/boa/3891466447.html

1996 235 Persuader w- newer 502/Bravo. Nice boat but high $.