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Even More CL Finds!

95 Starliner w- 225 Yammie for $3995.

83 Enchanter w- 200 Merc for $3500.

Mx-15? w- 115 Merc for $1200.

89 251 GTX w- sb for $9500. "She is a beaut, Clark!"

85 Exciter IO for $5900. Sharp boat!

03 1600 Pulsare w- 115 Johnson for 10.5K

87 Diplomat w-115 Merc for $3900.

84 Exciter w- sbc for $4500.

2- ConvincEr project bats for $2500.

88 Ambassador w- 5.0L Mercruiser for $5500.

01 Convincor 260 w- 502 for 27.5K.
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Not CL, but is this Pulsare not the best looking 2400 out there? Wow, I love the colors and scheme! The graphics on the deck are bad to the bone!!!!

Yup, best looking Pulsare so far, no other 2100 or 2400 looks that good.
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Hard to tell on the iPad I'm using but rails and gage layout is the some as starfire.
P.S. I need those rails.

I was wondering that too. Guessed Senator because of outside shots, but inside looks closer to starfire.
One of these days I'm going to give up on looking for the right bow-rider and make my own out of a closed deck. SCT is thinking Starlet.
SCT is thinking Starlet.

I think both above posted as starlet are starfires. I could be wrong but I'm pretty sure starlet is only available with open bow. Same hull and rails that flow from platform into the interior. Where's coop to give us the answers.
OOps, my bad. To many names and to little brain cells in m older days!
Starlet- open bow. Starfire- closed bow. FS- cheap/base model.
There was an old 14' OB boat called a Starfire, also.

Dave, what's the latest with your Starfire project? Decide to keep it or sell it? You need to find a cheap Starfire/Starlet donor parts boat.
Dave, what's the latest with your Starfire project? Decide to keep it or sell it? You need to find a cheap Starfire/Starlet donor parts boat.

It was for sale due to lack of $$ and I had a buyer lined up but it was a few months before he could make it to Cincy to get it. In that time frame I had a change of heart and decided to keep. I sold my sea ray a couple weeks ago and have cash to order supplies. I also have a 350 out of a '92 pickup ready to be opened up and inspected. I plan to have it wet later this season. I hope.
99 242 Convincor w- 454 for 24K.

78 Predictor w- 115 Mercury for $3800. WOW, what a beautiful restored boat at a very reasonable price!

90 Pulse 185 w- 200 Merc for 3K.

03 2100BR Pulsare w- 225 Merc for 12.5K.

89 17' Spectra w- 150 Evinrude for $3995.

TRV-17 w- 90 Evinrude for $2500.

95 218 Persuader w- sbc for 11.9K.

Starlet w- 305 for $2500.

88 Enchanter w- sbc for 6K.

80 Predictor w- 85 Johnson for $2500.

82 Enchanter project for $200.