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First time I've posted in a thread like this. 88' exciter with a 97' 175 efi. 5.5" setback on a manual jack plate, prop shaft about 1.5" below the pad and a 2:1 lower with nose come (just a spare until my 1:1.87 is rebuilt). 25p laser II. Best I've seen is 62.7 mph gps with this lower unit. I'm expecting a little more when I get the stock lower unit back on.
First time I've posted in a thread like this. 88' exciter with a 97' 175 efi. 5.5" setback on a manual jack plate, prop shaft about 1.5" below the pad and a 2:1 lower with nose come (just a spare until my 1:1.87 is rebuilt). 25p laser II. Best I've seen is 62.7 mph gps with this lower unit. I'm expecting a little more when I get the stock lower unit back on.

Have you recently checked your compression on this motor? Curious what it is.
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88 Spectra 188...150 blackmax with shaved heads, intake, CCMS reeds...21 pitch cleaver....68.5 at 6200....going to try a prop with a little more lift to get more of the hull out of the water...but for now....no bitches....runs like a swiss watch and I use it all the time...it sits at the dock behind my condo...I also have a 23 Powerplay I bought with a 450 horse 502 that was blown up, that is now going 548 cubes and 650 horse....that will be a fun one.

Do you still have this boat? If so I'd like to know what height your motor is set at. I'm still trying to get mine setup properly. 88 Spectra 17, XR4 150, stock and original, 22P laser II.

2000 Stiletto BR ProCharged 454 MAG MPI 85 MPH 5,150 RPM 30P Bravo 1. Waiting for a new 32P Bravo 1 to arrive want 90 MPH.
2000 Convincor 270

Got the boat about a month ago. Running a 4 blade Bravo 1 24P. Still need to try the 3 blade Ballistic 24P.

64 MPH on GPS - Lake St. Claire, full tank of gas and just me.
1993 Persuader 219 502 Mag pushing a 23P Stilleto 3blade, ran 69.6mph on GPS, not sure of RPM (wasn't about to look down) before things got crazy. Hoping to break into low 70s next season
First post here. Just got a Checkmate after selling my Hydrostream V-King YT. Don't miss that thing one bit.

1991 211 Pulse
1989 200 XRi- Heads cut 32cc-135psi, timing set 25*, crap modules and oil removed. Holly Red F/P

23" 4-blade Trophy Plus
10" setback
Hydrolic J/P

Boat 40 gals of fuel just me 170lbs
Rpm 6100
GPS 55.8 mph
Sea level @ 56* no wind or current

Have a SRX 27" I am trying next.
2014 24' Pulsare BRX with Merc 400R, Bob's 6" Extreme Jackplate & DTS Hot Foot throttle.

76 mph any day with beer, gear & 4 on board.
83 mph in race trim, 1/2 fuel & with bow & stern covers on, 26p Blaster.
First post here. Just got a Checkmate after selling my Hydrostream V-King YT. Don't miss that thing one bit.

1991 211 Pulse
1989 200 XRi- Heads cut 32cc-135psi, timing set 25*, crap modules and oil removed. Holly Red F/P

23" 4-blade Trophy Plus
10" setback
Hydrolic J/P

Boat 40 gals of fuel just me 170lbs
Rpm 6100
GPS 55.8 mph
Sea level @ 56* no wind or current

Have a SRX 27" I am trying next.

Something is off. You should be seeing speeds in the low 60's with that setup. Check to see if you're firing on all 6 cylinders. What kind of gear case is on the boat? Do you have low water pickups?? Most 21' Mates with a Merc 200 will run low to mid 60's..
08 21' wildman rigged pulsare long deck, 12"setback, 6" hydo jackplate, 08 300xs, 1.62 sporty, 1/2 above pad. 26p hydromotive, 26p, 27p trophy plus, 28p trophy plus to try this year! 88 best so far at 6500
Thanks for the reply. I am running it today with the SRX prop. I will post new numbers. I thought 20 percent slip was pretty high...

I will see if my wife can snap a pic of it from the dock so you can see how it's running on the water.

Any thoughts on the foam removal in the bow and under the floor?

Thanks again:cheers:
First post here. Just got a Checkmate after selling my Hydrostream V-King YT. Don't miss that thing one bit.

1991 211 Pulse
1989 200 XRi- Heads cut 32cc-135psi, timing set 25*, crap modules and oil removed. Holly Red F/P

23" 4-blade Trophy Plus
10" setback
Hydrolic J/P

Boat 40 gals of fuel just me 170lbs
Rpm 6100
GPS 55.8 mph
Sea level @ 56* no wind or current

Have a SRX 27" I am trying next.

New post made in the setup section under '91 Pulse 211 title
New setup. 1997 225 efi on same 88' exciter. 6" set back, 3/4" below pad on manual jack. 26p fury prop at 5850 rpm, 1.75:1 stock case. 73.9 gps.