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January Boat of the month nomination thread

Just a few comments in reply to a variety of posts from various members.

I personally have no problem with the odd pic of someone's significant other hangin' on the sunpad of a Checkmate in a bikini. It seriously doesn't offend or bother me. With regard to a bikini thread, again, I don't really care as long as there is one thread somewhere, and as long as there is no nudity and the pics are pg-13 or less. But, I'm too busy to start posting and uploading a bunch of bikini girls to the server and posting the pics. Quite honestly, even if I did have the free time to do it, I have no motivation to worry about the topic. Again, I'm not anti-bikini girls, I seriously just don't care about it. It's just that simple.

With respect to freedom of speech etc. The reality is no one has the right to freedom of speech on a message board. A message board is a private forum for people to share ideas and have some fun. So if someone, for example, joins the board and makes a complete idiot of themself and is cheesing everyone off, freedom of speech means squat and they'll quickly find themselves banned. I would expect that the reasonable members would expect no less than that from the mods and myself.

With regard to the topic of censorship, editing posts etc. As a rule I really don't believe in deleting or editing people's posts. So for me to edit or delete a post, it would have to be pretty inflamatory or slanderous in its nature. For example, something along the lines of a racial slur. However, conversely, I also don't think people should be able to delete things they have said hours after they have been said. My feeling is that it's too easy an out for people who decide to say stupid things and then rewrite history by simply editing their posts, thread etc.

At the end of the day, the reality is that this board belongs to everyone. Without all of you being here, this site is useless. So the policies that we have, are really there to try to keep decorum. And part of decorum, is having a place for people to express themselves on a variety of issues. To me, the place for bikini gals is in a thread in the picture forum. Is there a place for discussion of politics and religion? I think there is. That would be in "The Dock". Like the old saying goes, there is a time and place for everything. Meaning, we don't need bikini girls in every forum and in every other thread. And conversely, we don't need religion in every thread. And I'm happy to say, that isn't what we have anyway.

In life, I think we can all learn from listening to everyone's point of view and trying to understand it. Even if it turns out it's a point of view we ultimately don't share. Given we have a forum with over 1700 members, it only stands to reason that we are going to have a few differences of opinion expressed.

Now, how ya votin'?
Back to the voting... Chris has spoken.. And so it is written...
As Chris eluded.. This is everyone's place to have fun and enjoy others thoughts...and learn from others experiences
May all opinions be duly noted and considered.....
You never know who's watching
Well said Chris...I liked the photo of the boat and women personally, it just adds some fun to the forum...no harm no foul....last time I checked bikinis were allowed in public places and didn't constitute a pornographic "outfit"... but I respect finishmaster's opinions and Chris' as well, so maybe we should stick to 'Mates -the boat type and not the other kind! Chris E mentioned the Indian River, no better place than to cruise that at idle and see the lovely boats and women pass on by (dressed in parkas of course!!!)

Black Pulse
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Black Pulse:
Well said Chris...I liked the photo of the boat and women personally, it just adds some fun to the forum...no harm no foul....last time I checked bikinis were allowed in public places and didn't constitute a pornographic "outfit"... but I respect finishmaster's opinions and Chris' as well, so maybe we should stick to 'Mates -the boat type and not the other kind! Chris E mentioned the Indian River, no better place than to cruise that at idle and see the lovely boats and women pass on by (dressed in parkas of course!!!)

Black Pulse <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

They'll be wearing parkas and shovels today!! 12 inches of snow and counting.
Here is my tally, I hope I got this right. Needless to say, it was an interesing nomination thread.

1) Vinny cruisin 1 VOTE
2) Brian's Enchanter 7 VOTES
3) Checkrocket's Convincor 8 VOTES
4) Pulse 171's Interior Shot 4 VOTES
5) Vintage Kunkel's Starflite Shot 6 VOTES

So pic 2 & 3 are movin' on.

I usually close these threads up at this point, but I think I'll leave this months open so y'all can finish up the debate.

Please note voting is finished on the pics though.