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January Boat of the month nomination thread


I just went back and checked something. Back in December’s mini vote for new boat of the month pictures you voted for my boat with the “half naked” women in it!! How could an upstanding Christian like yourself vote for such an immoral picture?? Can you say hypocrite??
Drex.. I think you've posted pics of some very attractive women. Your wife with her friends and the prior post of the young ladys would make any man proud. That being said, I am inclined to think the front page should be of shots of Checkmate boats. Beautiful women and families are what we all love and enjoy with our boats but I don't think they are front page material. Chris had indicated in a prior post he would like to see a thread for beautiful women in a seperate forum. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy seeing families and beautiful women I just think there is a proper place for everything....

Just my 2c

Well said. Your probably right that the boat of the month photo should be a photo of a boat. Only makes sense, right? But I’m not the only one who voted for Decembers boat of the month pic.

I have been a boater all my life and have had several Checkmates over the past 12 years. At least for me Checkmates, beautiful women and bikinis have always went hand in hand.

Oh, and for the record, my wife is wearing the black bikini.
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by DONCONVINCER:
Drex.. I think you've posted pics of some very attractive women. Your wife with her friends and the prior post of the young ladys would make any man proud. That being said, I am inclined to think the front page should be of shots of Checkmate boats. Beautiful women and families are what we all love and enjoy with our boats but I don't think they are front page material. Chris had indicated in a prior post he would like to see a thread for beautiful women in a seperate forum. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy seeing families and beautiful women I just think there is a proper place for everything....

Just my 2c <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>I agree, I mentioned that in last months "Boat Of The Month", guess I would have won if their was a seperate thread. No big deal though as i should have some better photos to summit do the road. The girls did make a nice photo though,someone is good with the camera, nice ladies too! I feel the photos capture the enjoyment of BOATTING. It's what you want make of it, ever see the advertisments in the Sunday paper?

This is exactly the division I eluded to in the other thread. Provocative pictures make a bunch of people happy, and offend a bunch of others. Quite often, people express their feelings of disapproval to me via email and via pm about pinup pics. I gather they contact me privately because they don't want to be viewed as just being politically correct or as ruining the party or whatever. But believe me, there is a large silent group out there on the side of not having those types of pics on the site.

Anyway, as I suggested before, for those who like the "Gal" pics, perhaps one thread in the picture forum with PG-13 pics would be an acceptable compromise. For those who don't want to see them, then just stay out of the thread, and for those who like 'em you'll know where to go.

The only thing I want to reiterate, is that I don't want the work of uploading and posting pinup pics. Checkmate pics I'll spend the time and put in the effort to get the pics posted (for those who are unable to do so themselves).

Which means that for pinup pics you'll have to find your own host like freepichosting and then post them.
Your definatly wrong on my vote there bud.Thats the problem with children and computers,they have access too.I wouldnt have voted for your pic but my 15 year old son sure would as he is infatuated with girls at the present time.He visits this site every day after school and thats why I am going to have to limit computer use around here and drop my membership to this forum.Its a shame too,cause I really enjoy the info and boats,and MOSt of the material.The word skank was inflamatory and shouldnt have been used,and I apologize.I feel this world is getting more and more corrupt and fear for my childrens well being.Having said this,pull my name from the membership list please Chris.This is a well run site,and everyone is free to have an opinoin. I chose to keep my kids from crap like that and hope thats not where its headed.

If you want me to remove your membership, I can do it. But the reality is that you don't need to be a member to access the picture this forum anyway. And, unfortunately, there is much worse stuff out there that is totally accessible to anyone of any age.

Do me a favour and sleep on the issue and see how you feel in a day or two. You've been a member for a long time and I would hate to see you leave over this issue.


I for one would miss your posts, and your enthusiasm for Checkmates and boats in general if you leave. Like Chris said, think it over.

Corect me if im wrong but isnt this supposed to be the christmas season. ya know GOOD WILL TOWARDS MEN and women. The name calling and bad attitude has no place here or anywhere. Everybody step back reflect and relax we all like each other here and this is no reson to stop.It's silly. We all have opinions and they all should be respected. nuff said and I hope i have not offeded anybody just felt it had to be said
This is exactly why I stick to the technical talk on this and other forums. This reminds me of when ZO6 got blasted here. Personally, I don't see a problem with the picture, but I can see how others might.
Let's just move on with the January vote and think about summer.
I've seen more provocative pictures in the J.C.Penny catalog,welcome to the new millenium.Hey Chris,Drex,have one for me this weekend!
Hope 2005 is a better year for all of us! As far as the boat pics go,I'll say 2 & 3.

I'll vote for 2&5. Pules171; I do like your pic. though.
I also like the idea of a PG13 area that we can have "Chicks in Checks" posted. However you run the site and if you don't think you want that, I'll still like the site!

fnshrmaster; I hate to see ya leave on this issue. Like Chris said, give it some thought. There is an awful lot of great info on here. I really don't think it matters what site or for that matter organization someone belongs to, there will be something you don't like about it.

Your input in this site is intresting and often valuable. We would all hate to see you leave.
I am inclined to agree with you about the viewing by young "men" may find some pics posted to be of special intrest. My 16 year old son reviews this site in the computer lab at school with friends. He looks for the tech talk but sometimes comments on the "chick pics", I hope he also knows what would be acceptable to leave up in a that enviroment.

We all have Bikini clad and scantily dressed women on our boats every sunny day,not to mention topless men in shorts or Spedos, thats a part of spending time on a performance boat. I just don't think it is approrate to emphasize skin in an open forum by placing it on the front page, this is a site about our boats. We all recieve advertisements with women and men in undergarments and think nothing of it. Look at the new boat brochures, bikinis sell boats. Look at other adds for,cars, houses and even household cleaning products, beautiful people sell products and how they are dressed sets the atmosphere. Everything has its proper place, candid shots showing people enjoying products, any product, should be acceptable. This is a boating site, do you ever see people in long pants and loose turtle neck sweaters out on the water in the summer? NO...

If Chris could add an area for members only like the "showroom" I think it would resolve some member concerns but could also become a 'Dental Floss' forum and attract content that could be even more offensive.

What do we do.. Keep provicative pictures out of the spotlight.. Make sure what we post is PG13

If someone finds a post or picture offensive we all have the obligation to notify Chris
Chris has control over this sites but I'm sure he has no desire to sensor its content. If a pic is found to be offensive in the opinion of the moderators I believe it should be reduced to its properties so viewing can be at the descrition of the viewer.

Total removal of a post is sensorship and should not be permitted... This is a public site..
Everyone should be able to freely express themselves...

My 2c
I know what, next time I take a picture of my boat I'll ask all the pretty women to please step aside of the picture. YA RIGHT!!!
If I had a picture of my wife on my boat in her bikini do you think I'd hesitate to post it..
I think not.. I think no one should be afraid to post the things we enjoy in public places..

Hey ladies, Do you have any muscle man pics to post..

All is good..
Let's get back to the voting.. I like Checkrockets Convincor or Kunkle's vintage shot
I vote 3 & 5

Brian, you gota find a pic of that thing aired out.. Now you could have a contender..
keep your 'niesh' shot right where it is
Of course there is worse pictures out there.Of course I cant hide my children from all the filth.My wife being a model prior to us having four great boys often wore a scantly clad bikini.Would she now?Of course not.Would she pose topless on our boat.OF COURSE NOT!She has way more class than that.As a matter of fact I wouldnt post pics of her at all here,shes my wife and I dont visit this site to look at women,I come here for Checkmate info and opinions.What I am trying to do is set an example for my sons and show them whats right and wrong according to GODS word.As I said before I apologize for the inflamatory comment,it was harsh and wrong,Im not perfect,if I was I wouldnt need Jesus as my savior.I am a sinner saved by his grace.He will be watched closely with usage of the computer,as sites that look harmless often contian material I dont approve of.When he is grown and on his own I hope he makes the right decisions and choses not to fill his mind and heart with things that go against Gods will and commandments.Keep me registered Chris,as I may want to utilize the site in the future to move my GTX and upgrade,I have bought and sold 2 Checkmates soley through this site. With that said,no need to reply,I wont be visiting,unless I have a Checkmate to sell or buy. Kurt