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January Boat of the month nomination thread

Let me reiterate. I’d hate to see you leave the site, but I also think you have some issues if you think girls wearing bikinis are “going against God’s will”.

I'm sorry to hear Finishmaster will not be an active member

Here is the Lord's word as written in the 10 comandments

1. Thou shalt not have strange gods before me. Thou shalt not make to thyself any graven thing.
2. Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain.
3. Remember that thou keep holy the Lord's day.
4. Honor thy father and thy mother.
5. Thou shalt not kill.
6. Thou shalt not commit adultery.
7. Thou shalt not steal.
8. Thou shalt not bear false witness.
9. Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's wife.
10.Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's goods.

and so it is written..

Enough said..
11. Thou’s wife shall wear sweatpants and a sweater even if it is the middle of summer and 95 degrees.
Here are the vote results so far....

1) Vinny cruisin 1 VOTE
2) Brian's Enchanter 6 VOTES
3) Checkrocket's Convincor 6 VOTES
4) Pulse 171's Interior Shot 1 VOTE
5) Vintage Kunkel's Starflite Shot 4 VOTES

Last call, have your say. The top two will go into the vote.
You know I think I can count all the girly pics on this site without taking off my shoes. I was just over at team baja and they actually have full frontal over there. I know what kind of work it is for Chris to post pics, it takes alot time to get it set up. So don't waste it with pics that aren't about Checkmates. I used to work in a strip club I've seen more than my share of scantily clad women. And so far I have seen no offensive pics on this site.
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by cooperider:
You know I think I can count all the girly pics on this site without taking off my shoes. I was just over at team baja and they actually have full frontal over there. I know what kind of work it is for Chris to post pics, it takes alot time to get it set up. So don't waste it with pics that aren't about Checkmates. I used to work in a strip club I've seen more than my share of scantily clad women. And so far I have seen no offensive pics on this site. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>And it's probably worth pointing out, that if someone accidently pulls up some of those nudie pics at work they could lose their job. Not good....
hey fnshermaster, my wife was not posing topless. I took the pic. I sent the pic. And chris decided to post that pic. Besides there were NO laws broken in that pic. It was taken in canadain waters were her and her friends actions are perfectlly legal.I for one are happy your leaving this sight, for a year I read nothing but your whining and complaining about how you were wronged and worries about other people's money. Merc245
3 & 4 that's my vote! and I would like to say that every boat mag has a pic of a women in a bikini in it or on the front of it!So when people are out boating and see in public places women in bikini's do we cover our kid's eye's? no i don't think so, because we are all use to it.It's no diff. if a guy has no top on wearing his bathing suit. nothing wrong with #4 pic! Just my 2c.
First off, I agree with all of you. Sounds pretty neutral doesn't it

Fnshmaster has the right to be offended by the pictures according to his rights and freedoms. Others have the right to not be offended by the picture also according to their rights and freedoms.

Playing devil's advocate for a moment, I'd like to pose an example situation similar to Fnshmaster's that I think will stir the pot but maybe bring resolution to this discussion.

Example: I don't want to read any religious discussions or viewpoints on the site as Fnshmaster occasionally writes. I personally choose where I read this type of material and I don't come to this site for it. I equate this position to Fnshmaster's right not to see the girl pictures. Certainly, Fnshmaster has the right to believe what he wants, but his right to believe and write about his beliefs in his posts is logically the same as those who believe women and boats go hand in hand and want to post pictures of their boats with girls in them.

So here's my recommended solution. Post pictures of boats with girls in a particular discussion with a note that says the discussion contains this type of material. Those who want to view it can go there. Those that don't, can avoid that discussion group.

As well, if Fnshmaster wants his own discussion area to express his Christian beliefs then he's likely entitled to it and those that want to read it can go there. I for one think it would be off topic and would be up to Chris to decide on this.

I am not at all against religion. Its very much a personal matter. I'm not pro or con boat pictures with girls in them. As I said, I agree with you all.
just had a look at decembers boat of the month nomination thread and see that fnshrmaster voted for Drex's pic he voted for 5 & 8, 8 being the "interior shot" - What gives?

I think bikini's are a fantastic invention - spent most of my teenage years trolling for bikinis on the indian river in Port Carling - caught a few too!!

Having said that, they don't belong here and whatever Chris decides we will all live with. He's the one who puts the time and effort into this site so we can enjoy it.

Let's keep this about the boats, there are lots of sites for bikini's out there.

Besides, if we have girl pictures, that means we also have to post guy pictures. The last thing i want to see is some 50 year old guy in a butt-floss speedo with man-boobs and hairy back
So, i can live with no girls so that i don't have to look at that guy - fair is fair.

And religion, keep it outa here! That is private and shouldn't be shoved down our collective throats. There are lots of religions in the world and no one of them is any better than anything else. Everyone has and is entitled to there own beliefs - just keep it to yourself.

So Chris, got a headache yet?

And by the way - to those who do celebrate - MERRY CHRISTMAS!!

Oh ya that vote thing (isn't that what this thread was about in the begining? I like vinnies boat - no bikini's and no 50 year olds in speedos
I think we'd have a lot of discouraged menbers if there was a rule that pics of anyone in typical boating atire were not allowed

All I'm saying is that I would prefer that the primary focus of the front page not be women in a bikini. Anywhere else within the content, bring 'em on...
Now see we can debate this for years . I like the front page with women on it so does my wife thats not the point guy's boat of the month is lets vote.