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Jupiter Fl sandbar 75mph pass

Yea those 1995's are really fast

that was the same year my white lightning,magic,air,skater,flash,white hot,red zone,21 Pulsare was engineered for me.AWESOME!:thumb::thumb::eyecrazy::eyecrazy::D:D:p
Are we talking length or year??:lol: Actually it's a 1995 Pulsare..looks pretty good for a 14 year old boat!! eh??;)

For a black boat down in FL. It looks fantastic and then seeing it's 14 yrs old and looks that good is even better. Usually your darker colors really show the wear and tear but your's still shines ! Good Job ! Does that black get hotter than he!! in the sun ?
Yes they do get very hot in the sun..When you drive you can feel the heat coming from under the deck..
I've owned 2 black in the past and this is one of the reason i now have a white one..
that was the same year my white lightning,magic,air,skater,flash,white hot,red zone,21 Pulsare was engineered for me.AWESOME!:thumb::thumb::eyecrazy::eyecrazy::D:D:p

Actually, now that I think of it, my Pulsare is a 1994 model; the first year of the Pulsare 2100....that make it a VINTAGE collectable Jupiter Black Majic Rocket edition!!!!!!:banana::bigthumb:
I've not had any problem with fading, however, my boat sleeps in a two car garage when not being used. The black does get hot in the summer time..you can feel the heat coming off the glass when your idling...but I don't do alot of idling around...:devil: I've crawled into the bow for catnap now and then...as long as there's a breeze it's not bad. The black makes for some great winter boating!! When it's cold outside and the sun is shining the black gel helps warm things up a bit!
...you can feel the heat coming off the glass...

That heat is the super duper, fire hot, flash of lightning with lightning up its a s s, air Jordan, Skater, Jeff Gordon, Earnhart, Andriette, Porsche, Pulsare 2100 getting ready for LIFT OFF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sorry I couldn't resist...:p:o
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That heat is the super duper, fire hot, flash of lightning with lightning up its a s s, air Jordan, Skater, Jeff Gordon, Earnhart, Andriette, Porsche, Pulsare 2100 getting ready for LIFT OFF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sorry I couldn't resist...:p:o

LOL !!! :lol: :lol:
Ok guys, here's the real number read off of my Garmin GPS... Sunday afternoon, Lock Park canal, fresh water, heading west toward Lake Okeechobee, 70+ degrees out, dead full tank, two adults weighing about 305 pounds, Trophy Plus 26, 13.5" setback......77.0 MPH!!!!!:bigthumb: Couldn't stay there very long as I overtrimmed, lost water pressure, and had the overheat alarm sound..but it was still 77.0 MPH from a bone stock fishing motor!!! I made quite a few more passes trimming the motor less and dropping the jackplate 1" at speeds in the 75-76.6 MPH range!!! It was a bit tough to handle the chinewalk...winds were blowing at 15-20 mph out of the NE knocking me off the pad. I'm at a point where I need to improve my steering and get rid of the old Mercury hyd. ram with the flexing wing plates..I think I'm getting too much motor movement at those speeds. I also need to recheck my tack as it was only showing 4900 rpm...??? It may also be time to ship my lower unit to Bobs for a nose cone and low water pickups......maybe, just maybe, 80 MPH could be within reach with a stock 225!!;)
That's pretty stout Jup !

When I first picked up my boat, my best speed with a stock 225 and 5 1/2" jackplate was 73.2 with 25 Tempest Plus. Shortly after all he!! broke loose and everything got changed.(setback,props,engine mods,bowcover)
Gotta Love the "Skater" edition!!!!

Nice work JP!:thumb:

That is moving for sure....

Looks like you have some money to spend on a LWP/Cone and some other goodies.

I would have said that sounds like a good winter project, but it is always summer in FLA.:D

Thanks for sharing.:surf:
Nice work JP!:thumb:

That is moving for sure....

Looks like you have some money to spend on a LWP/Cone and some other goodies.

I would have said that sounds like a good winter project, but it is always summer in FLA.:D

Thanks for sharing.:surf:

Hey Hotdaddy..unfortunately those improvements will have to wait, spending cash for toys is a bit tough lately...unless someone buys my Hydrostream...then I'll have some real coin spend!!:devil:
Hey Jupiter, great number's! You have comfirmed what I suspected. You do have 1.75 gears and your tach is wrong. That beeping was probably not the overheat warning. By running the numbers, you were up against the 6000 rpm rev limiter which gives you a fast beep. I have had my 225 there a few times. If I can get my hands on a 27" Turning Point 4 blade, would you be interested? It may get you to 80 and get rid of the chine walk. Ask Wildman. boatman