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Well-known member
Talked to our local Checkmate Social Director and the date has been set for the Rally. The dates will be July 19,20,21. All interested are welcome to join in for the madness. :banana::cheers::banana::cheers::banana:Feel free to contact me here or message me with any questions you may have.
I'd like to make a trip this year... 1300 miles there... 1300 to Havasu.... 1300 ish to Ozarks.... tossing around some options. Would be cool to meet some other Checkmate guys and not be running on Havasu w/$200K boats! ack! A good balance of awesome friggen party and decent running would be optimal!
I'm thinking we are going to make a week long trip and also spend a couple days in Nashville. I've been wanting to go there for a while. What area at LC does everyone stay at. I know its a little early but I am just gettin a little excited.:banana::cheers::banana:
I will be heading down to said party....it may be a long night trying to iron out these final details.....better bring multiple cases of beer!

Problem Child,

I am planning on doing something similar to you and want to see some sights after the rally before I head home. I have nothing in mind besides bumming around KY right now.
That weather report!!! Love it. It's a pretty long haul for me, but I'm planning on coming. Where is everyone staying? Camping, motel, houseboat?
We would love to join this years event; making it our 4th year in a row! As some of you know, we no longer have the 280. So hopefully you guys won't mind a slightly different make hanging out with you guys. We've made some really good friends over the years! It's penciled in...
BK I'll meet up with ya in SD and travel down, think I got dad talked into lending me his ecoboost for the trip, that's a little far for the flex...