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Mistress IV - The Conception

Looks like a lot more time and care is being put into building yours. When ordered ours it was almost 2 weeks from when ordered to when I picked it up. Which I thought was quick and in some areas it showed, probably not to the average person, but to me.
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Its nice to see new Checkmate being born. Its coming together really nice. Im digging' the colors too. Looks like your going to have a nice rig there. :thumb: Even if the mota is on the wrong side of the transom.:D
I think I see and older Check in the background. A referb maybe?
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Thats unfortunate, I do remember you telling me about some of the water intrusion issues with the rub rail.
It took 3 weeks leadtime for my motor so my build revolved around that. Total layup time so far has been about 3 weeks. There were also some material availability delays here and there.
Its nice to see new Checkmate being born. Its coming together really nice. Im digging' the colors too. Looks like your going to have a nice rig there. :thumb: Even if the mota is on the wrong side of the transom.:D
I think I see and older Check in the background. A referb maybe?

Not sure what that is in the background. It may be that fountain/bayliner/mariah project Dean has been working on.:eyecrazy:
Thanks for the props on the colors !!! When you go on the water this weekend, oh wait your motor is on the other side and its november. No worries Ill send you some pix in a few weeks to help you remember what april will be like. :lol:
Love the pics jjg. I'm going out tomorrow and that's why I want to stay ob, I love the idea of not worrying about winterizing. Nothing sounds better than a big block but some sound is better than no sound. I post pics.
Love the pics jjg. I'm going out tomorrow and that's why I want to stay ob, I love the idea of not worrying about winterizing. Nothing sounds better than a big block but some sound is better than no sound. I post pics.

I will be the first to admit the sound of a BB gives me a rise in my levis. But thats about as far as I want to go with my money. I fully realize Bad A$$ aint cheap, and cheap aint Bad A$$ !!! But in the end the question is the answer on the speedo, no matter what's on the transom !
We are getting close. Talked to Dean today and he is expecting delivery next week !!! :banana: I should have some new pix in a day or so. Maybe the mota will make an appearance.
You are a lucky man Jeff. That is gonna be sweet getting to use it yet this season. Hoping for a ride in it this year at Cumberland . Very nice. :thumb:
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Love the pics jjg. I'm going out tomorrow and that's why I want to stay ob, I love the idea of not worrying about winterizing. Nothing sounds better than a big block but some sound is better than no sound. I post pics.

Ahhhh, winterizing my I/O doesn't take that much longer than winterizing my outboard. I already did mine, but I'm going to be visiting my parents at Cumberland this weekend and as long as nothing is falling out of the sky, there will be the rumble of a big block echoing through the hills and hollers of Cumberland. That I can guarantee!! Then do another quick winterize, and put her back to bed!! And I can also guarantee, that New Years Day, after I get my heads, intake and headers installed, I will be making noise again!!! Even if the snow is flying!!
Ahhhh, winterizing my I/O doesn't take that much longer than winterizing my outboard. I already did mine, but I'm going to be visiting my parents at Cumberland this weekend and as long as nothing is falling out of the sky, there will be the rumble of a big block echoing through the hills and hollers of Cumberland. That I can guarantee!! Then do another quick winterize, and put her back to bed!! And I can also guarantee, that New Years Day, after I get my heads, intake and headers installed, I will be making noise again!!! Even if the snow is flying!!

If it works out maybe we can do some side by side winter running !! Make all those yankees jealous. :surf: :bigthumb: