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Mistress IV - The Conception

Does the "wifey" know about the new boat or are you going to see if she realizes that the boat grew about 6 feet?:confused:
Now that's a boat! Looking good jjg. Thanks for the pictures. What other boat factory would take the time to take and send pictures as the boat is being built. That's just simply awesome! I'm truly happy a checkmate fell in my lap and that it was built buy a respectful company. My question is where's the Made In USA sticker?
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Now that's a boat! Looking good jjg. Thanks for the pictures. What other boat factory would take the time to take and send pictures as the boat is being built. That's just simply awesome! I'm truly happy a checkmate fell in my lap and that it was built buy a respectful company. My question is where's the Made In USA sticker?

Most manufactures that are good use a Made in USA sticker. But when you are great, that American quality and craftsmanship speaks for itself.
Pretty sure the manufacture name and location is on the capacity plate. A little "Made in USA" sticker on a boat, car, plane or what ever motorized piece is rather cheesy don't you think. It's not a toy you get from Walmart.
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The boat looks fantastic, cannot wait to see it in person. Didn't I see you pulling the other rig with a Ranger, Did you upgrade or are you just going for it?

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Now that's a boat! Looking good jjg. Thanks for the pictures. What other boat factory would take the time to take and send pictures as the boat is being built. That's just simply awesome! I'm truly happy a checkmate fell in my lap and that it was built buy a respectful company. My question is where's the Made In USA sticker?

When I was the factory rep for Active Thunder, I would take and develop actual photographs during construction and mail them to the buyer:thumb:!! We weren't too computer savey back in 1997-2000...:sssh:
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When I was the factory rep for Active Thunder, I would take and develop actual photographs during construction and mail them to the buyer:thumb:!! We weren't too computer savey back in 1997-2000...:sssh:

I think digital cameras were big $$$$$ back in the old days.
The boat looks fantastic, cannot wait to see it in person. Didn't I see you pulling the other rig with a Ranger, Did you upgrade or are you just going for it?


Thanks Chuck !!! Since this boat is only 600 lbs more than my last one I believe the ranger can take it. Its a Ford after all !!! It has the big V6 and air lift springs in the rear. Plus a few other HP mods.