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Mistress IV - The Conception

You can get V8's that go on the wrong side of the transom these days:poke:

Yes I know. And it costs as much as the boat itself. But costs nothing to dream.
As the 4stroke technology evolves Im sure we will be seeing some impressive, affordable HP coming in the near future. And in 5 or 6 years who knows what Ill have hanging off the back.
Rumor mill is running around Merc is developing 400 hp four stroke ob taylored to x-cat racing class. Hmmmmm

That doesnt suprise me. Not much more needs to be done on the 350 to get 400. But I do think if you look at the new 150 4stroke and add a SC you have a look into the future. Much lighter platform and more CID to work with.
So I may have missed the pickup date in the thread, do you have a date? And do you have any more pictures?

So I may have missed the pickup date in the thread, do you have a date? And do you have any more pictures?


Looks like next friday if the weather is clear. They should be lake testing by the end of this week. No new pix yet but im sure I will have some new ones very soon.
Swing through Cincy after you pick her up. I'll be happy put on a coat and help you get some break in time on her.
Rumor mill is running around Merc is developing 400 hp four stroke ob taylored to x-cat racing class. Hmmmmm

I was doing some searching on this. It sounds like its a 4cyl 4stroke.
My guess its the 3.0L 4cyl in the new 150. If so that will be a light mota with a lot of possibilities !!!
Now thats what Im talking about !!! Anyone who was on the fence about buying a new boat note the picture below and the previous images in this thread. This is how performance powerboats should be built, this is what you pay for when you buy a Checkmate. Cheap aint BadA$$ and BadA$$ aint Cheap !!!
