You can get V8's that go on the wrong side of the transom these days
I like that idea!!! A Seven Marine 557 would look right at home on the back of a 2400!!
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You can get V8's that go on the wrong side of the transom these days
You can get V8's that go on the wrong side of the transom these days
I like that idea!!! A Seven Marine 557 would look right at home on the back of a 2400!!
Rumor mill is running around Merc is developing 400 hp four stroke ob taylored to x-cat racing class. Hmmmmm
So I may have missed the pickup date in the thread, do you have a date? And do you have any more pictures?
Swing through Cincy after you pick her up. I'll be happy put on a coat and help you get some break in time on her.
Rumor mill is running around Merc is developing 400 hp four stroke ob taylored to x-cat racing class. Hmmmmm