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Mistress IV - The Conception

congrats!! and what a beauty!! Wish i was free turkey day weekend to come down and run with you!! unfortunately i dont think i am going to get that much free time out of it... :brickwall:

But we want water pics!!! :drool::drool:

No worries. Not sure how long the cold snap thats coming is going to last. I may not make it either. Water pics will be coming !!!
Outstanding and thanks for sharing the build and pics. I am sure you will enjoy feeling the boat out. Cant wait to see it in person!! Best of luck trying to stay calm over the winter, although I am sure you will find plenty of days to sneak her in LC. DS280 and Aaron had his Pulsare out last January.

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Congrats on the beautiful new boat. Being involved with the build is a great experience. I just noticed the thread so i will have to check it out when i get some time. I did notice the rear seat base is carpeted, did they get rid of the full on fiberglass gelcoated base they used on mine? Or is it the same with carpet on it? That base was impressive to me compaied to what was in my 2100.
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Sea Trials

The 19th of december and it was 60 degrees on Lake Cumberland with about a 10mph breeze. I now have 3.1 hrs on the motor. With a 23p tempest plus, 73.1mph @ 6450 rpm right out of the box. Hole shot is awesome, very little of the bow was in the air before the stern lifted up and moved out. I have a 4 blade 25p trophy to try on the next freak spring/winter day. Looks like I am running 9% slip with this prop. Im curious how the trophy will perform. The electro hyd steering is a different feel than what im used to but with more seat time I will soon feel right at home. The boat was great on the main lake, there was 1-2' white capped chop and at 65 she said give me more. Stay tuned. :surf:
Congrats on the beautiful new boat. Being involved with the build is a great experience. I just noticed the thread so i will have to check it out when i get some time. I did notice the rear seat base is carpeted, did they get rid of the full on fiberglass gelcoated base they used on mine? Or is it the same with carpet on it? That base was impressive to me compaied to what was in my 2100.

No, the base is polyethylene sheet with carpet over it. I think they only do what you describe on the 24brx.
The 19th of december and it was 60 degrees on Lake Cumberland with about a 10mph breeze. I now have 3.1 hrs on the motor. With a 23p tempest plus, 73.1mph @ 6450 rpm right out of the box. Hole shot is awesome, very little of the bow was in the air before the stern lifted up and moved out. I have a 4 blade 25p trophy to try on the next freak spring/winter day. Looks like I am running 9% slip with this prop. Im curious how the trophy will perform. The electro hyd steering is a different feel than what im used to but with more seat time I will soon feel right at home. The boat was great on the main lake, there was 1-2' white capped chop and at 65 she said give me more. Stay tuned. :surf:

I think you will be surprised by how well the Trophy Plus will perform! Smaller overall diameter, 4blades in the water, quick to spool up with the vents, great hole shot, outstanding handling, strong midrange and the top end will be as good as most 3 blade props!!
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No, the base is polyethylene sheet with carpet over it. I think they only do what you describe on the 24brx.

I have a fiberglass unit in mine which is basically a 2400ld. Its really nice...i must be lucky! How does your rear seat fold up? Basic hinge at the front or does it pull forward then hinge up?
I think you will be surprised by how well the Trophy Plus will perform! Smaller overall diameter, 4blades in the water, quick to spool up with the vents, great hole shot, outstanding handling, strong midrange and the top end will be as good as most 3 blade props!!

The trophy I have to try is the small hub version so it would be over the blade exaust. It will be interesting to see how it performs. I have never been a fan of 4bl wheels, however this may change my mind.
I have a fiberglass unit in mine which is basically a 2400ld. Its really nice...i must be lucky! How does your rear seat fold up? Basic hinge at the front or does it pull forward then hinge up?

It has a basic hinge at the front and opens forward.