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Mistress IV - The Conception

If you need to restrict the over the hub exhaust merc sells a plastic ring that blocks it off for pretty cheep! I tried a Trophy on my VMAX and it slipped way too much. I think i might have been trying to run it too high though. I love the way my boat handles with a Bravo 1 though.
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If you need to restrict the over the hub exhaust merc sells a plastic ring that blocks it off for pretty cheep! I tried a Trophy on my VMAX and it slipped way too much. I think i might have been trying to run it too high though. I love the way my boat handles with a Bravo 1 though.

Tried the trophy 25p small hub best was 70.5 @ 6500.
I think Im going with a 24p bravo, tried one
Last week and saw 74.3 @ 6300 bblades can work it
A bit and 75+ will be a reality. Stay tuned.
Interior pics

I will post some interior pics soon when I finish tinkering. There are a few nice additions that were made that used to be standard but kind of evolved out of being offered, mainly in added storage. And since there really aren't very many good pics of the cuddy for this model and its amenities it may be helpful for future buyers to reference. :thumb:
Awesome boat:bigthumb: I just noticed the thread and loved the whole build process. Very cool! I will be very curious how your next prop performs after the ice melts

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Awesome boat:bigthumb: I just noticed the thread and loved the whole build process. Very cool! I will be very curious how your next prop performs after the ice melts


Thanks !!!! What kind of numbers are you seeing with your setup ?
Thanks !!!! What kind of numbers are you seeing with your setup ?

The fastest I saw on the GPS was 70mph @ 6300rpm. That was with the 23p tempest, about half tank of gas, two people and a full cooler of beer:D. I had also taken off the wake board tower because I was getting ready to winterize. The max with the Wakeboard tower on was ~68mph I guess due to some drag because the tower only weighs about 50 lbs.

I noticed you were seeing about 73mph maybe because of your closed bow and less drag? I am chomping at the bit for the warmer weather and will be trying to make it to the Checkmate gatherings as a first this year:thumb:

The fastest I saw on the GPS was 70mph @ 6300rpm. That was with the 23p tempest, about half tank of gas, two people and a full cooler of beer:D. I had also taken off the wake board tower because I was getting ready to winterize. The max with the Wakeboard tower on was ~68mph I guess due to some drag because the tower only weighs about 50 lbs.

I noticed you were seeing about 73mph maybe because of your closed bow and less drag? I am chomping at the bit for the warmer weather and will be trying to make it to the Checkmate gatherings as a first this year:thumb:


The 24 brx is about 200 lbs heavier. It looks like you may be leaving money on the table only running that verado up to 6300. If you can, try raising the jackplate and or use more trim to wind that motor out a little more. Keep in mind these verados produce their max torque at the max rpm which is 6400.
The 24 brx is about 200 lbs heavier. It looks like you may be leaving money on the table only running that verado up to 6300. If you can, try raising the jackplate and or use more trim to wind that motor out a little more. Keep in mind these verados produce their max torque at the max rpm which is 6400.

Thanks for the info. I did not realize the weight difference and will certainly be adjusting the jackplate height while keeping an eye on the water pressure.
Just got the Bravo back from Bblades, went with the high polish for a little extra bling in my thing !!:banana: The rain can stop anytime now ..... :shakehead:


Sweet prop. I can't wait for you to try because if it does what you think it will do, I may need to copy:). I'm assuming its a 23P or something close after the work?

I was debating the 4 blade over the 3 blade Tempest 23P I currently have and very curious how it does.

come on good weather!
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Sweet prop. I can't wait for you to try because if it does what you think it will do, I may need to copy:). I'm assuming its a 23P or something close after the work?

I was debating the 4 blade over the 3 blade Tempest 23P I currently have and very curious how it does.

come on good weather!

Thanks !!! According to bblades a 24 bravo is actually a 23.3 as stock. I will say it carried the boat much better at all speeds than the tempest. It was 3 mph slower showing 70 on the gps but overall performance was much more predictable. I was also able to come up another 1/2" on the jackplate and use less trim to achieve WOT. Hole shot was awesome !!! Also, not having the vent holes really prevents cavitation with these torquey Vrods. If you have them on your tempest I would try plugging them and test your holeshot. I think you may like the results.
Thanks !!! According to bblades a 24 bravo is actually a 23.3 as stock. I will say it carried the boat much better at all speeds than the tempest. It was 3 mph slower showing 70 on the gps but overall performance was much more predictable. I was also able to come up another 1/2" on the jackplate and use less trim to achieve WOT. Hole shot was awesome !!! Also, not having the vent holes really prevents cavitation with these torquey Vrods. If you have them on your tempest I would try plugging them and test your holeshot. I think you may like the results.

Excellent feedback jjg and thanks for the insight:thumb: I will definitely get some solid plugs to try before making any other changes. At WOT the boat tends to chine a little even when I try various trim and jackplate heights. I'm assuming that's because it's ridding on the pad but wondering if you had that experience or if you thought the prop would help?