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New Chapter....Metro NY/NJ/West PA..?

What is the best name for the NY/NJ/West PA forum?

  • Liberty Mates

    Votes: 7 100.0%
  • Hudson Mates

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
I have to go to a family event in Bergen County tomorrow till Sunday morning....boatless :brickwall:
I wouldn't mind so much, but a rugby buddy who wants to buy the Enticer off me is dying for me to take him out with his missus in the next few days to show her 'the joys of powerboating'.
The sooner I can make the trip the sooner I get back 20' of driveway!!!

Enjoy tomorrow Sim.....I'm not exactly leading by example this weekend :shakehead:
I have to go to a family event in Bergen County tomorrow till Sunday morning....boatless :brickwall:
I wouldn't mind so much, but a rugby buddy who wants to buy the Enticer off me is dying for me to take him out with his missus in the next few days to show her 'the joys of powerboating'.
The sooner I can make the trip the sooner I get back 20' of driveway!!!

Enjoy tomorrow Sim.....I'm not exactly leading by example this weekend :shakehead:
What was that? I can't figure out if it was more of an excuse, apology or justification. Blah, blah, blah.:poke:
Good luck with the boat sale. The sooner you sell that thing the more cash you've got lying around for buying my son and his friends sandwiches.
Hurry up. We're getting hungry around here and we're not as well organized as you in the morning.
What was that? I can't figure out if it was more of an excuse, apology or justification. Blah, blah, blah.:poke:
Good luck with the boat sale. The sooner you sell that thing the more cash you've got lying around for buying my son and his friends sandwiches.
Hurry up. We're getting hungry around here and we're not as well organized as you in the morning.

Consider it an apology.

Did someone mention sandwiches? Is it lunch yet? :drool:
Consider it an apology.

Did someone mention sandwiches? Is it lunch yet? :drool:
Kris, just bustin' your 'nads. You know I love you, your family and your new STARLINER.
I think our first Liberty Mates event should be putting in at Jersey City behind the Statue of Liberty and buzzing around Manhattan. How are you on the weekend of the 26th? 3 weekends from now. Long range weather (for what it's worth) is calling for sunny and near 90.
Just occured to me it's Memorial Day.
John, Ram, anyone else? Thoughts? Feelings? Flatulences?
Can't make it Saturday for sure. I have to check the calendar if you want to shoot for the next day.

I'm not ready to commit to anything that far away (in distance) yet. I will likely be just splashing my boat for the first time that weekend and will need to get her dialed in. I would be in for something on the Delaware that weekend, either Sunday or Monday.
If its Sunday on the Hudson we're in. Took some convincing but Jess agreed to go. Maybe the other ladies will give her a lesson in being adventurous, she seems to have gotten old before her time.
