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New Chapter....Metro NY/NJ/West PA..?

What is the best name for the NY/NJ/West PA forum?

  • Liberty Mates

    Votes: 7 100.0%
  • Hudson Mates

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Hey Guys,

So did you come to a conclusion?

Is it "Liberty Mates" and the area is ....



Let me know if that's what you want and I'll get the forum created for you over the next day or so. :)

Thanks Chris.

Personally I like Liberty Mates, but I'm happy for the poll to run its course (maybe till next Friday?)

Region is NJ, NY, Eastern PA.

Thanks Chris.

Personally I like Liberty Mates, but I'm happy for the poll to run its course (maybe till next Friday?)

Region is NJ, NY, Eastern PA.

I think I put in five days, so the poll will end on Thursday sometime. :)

I think I am dumping the Patriot Mates to become a Liberty Mate. I live closer to NY than Boston and I am a Yankees/Giants fan anyway.

I also make my way across the Sound to Port Jeff or Greenport LI every so often.


I think I am dumping the Patriot Mates to become a Liberty Mate. I live closer to NY than Boston and I am a Yankees/Giants fan anyway.

I also make my way across the Sound to Port Jeff or Greenport LI every so often.



Sounds like Tri-State/Liberty Mates could be gaining momentum with our first CT poach!! :welcome:
In the interest of fairness those of you who want to take part in the naming process should take a moment to got on the poll attached to the thread.

Unaccustomed as I am to public speaking/mockery (scratch out as necessary), I'd like to herewith thank the Academy......
(ar$e to that! :rof:)

Well, I was thinking about making the first post in our new Chapter about finding out all our local hangouts....(lakes/rivers/ocean - not bars, yet!).
That gives us an idea of who is likely to travel where from time to time, and preferences on fresh and/or salt water locations.

For example, Sim, atc250r and myself have met on several occasions now at Greenwood Lake, but Lake Hopatcong/NY harbour is closest to me, and the Delaware/NY harbour is closest to Sim. So he definitely deserves a visit soon for a change :thumb:.

I know each Chapter sets up a few seasonal meets and one or two main ones, but since most of us are out every weekend or two, why not have a method of posting our weekend plans in our area for those that are interested in trailering to join in? Either by way of posting a thread in the Chapter section, or some form of calendar....No doubt we'll come up with something with this array of technologies we have at our fingertips. Heck, even a FB page would suffice - although there's a fear that the ease of updating FB from smartphones these days might take traffic away from this great site. I've seen that already on another boating site in the last 12mths.

Of course, I'm open to any thoughts/comments at any time, and if I know most of you, you won't hold back! :poke: :p
I'm going out on the Delaware tomorrow (Sat. May 11) if anyone wants to meet. Also willing to change to Hudson River if that's what it takes to sway anyone.
I wish we could. We're going to be down in that general direction but its going to be for Mother's Day and I don't think a ride in the Checkmate is what Mom had in mind for her gift. :D