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New Owner from Virginia!


New member
Hello all,
Well I kind of stumbled across this forum a couple weeks ago as I have just become a Checkmate owner. I am out of Portsmouth, Virginia but have family right around the corer from the Checkmate factory in Ohio, so when I called them and asked their opinion they gave me the inside scoop. This is the 2nd boat I have owned (really the 1st one that's water worthy) and so far have had it out on the water twice this year and have had a blast. This thing has been a real learning curve as I do not really know much about boats (hence why/how I stumbled upon this forum) and I am a sucker for information so when I take a liking to something mechanical I want to learn as much as I can about it. I've been a gear head all my life working and racing circle track race cars. Anywho, from what I have gathered about the boat (maybe some people I'm sure on here know more than I do) but:

-1988 Checkmate Exciter
-1999 Mercury 200HP
-New odds and ends so far such as Kenwood Radio, 400W amplifier and speakers.

I was told 1999 Mercury 200HP power head to which based on internet research I have gathered to be the 2.4 or 2.5L. It is 6cyl of course and has 200 stamped on a freeze plug. For the life of me I cannot find the serial number to confirm. This one took me FOREVER to figure out as I have never heard of this. Made me feel real dumb when I learned of it's popularity... But it has a bob's nose cone conversion done on the lower unit.

I originally came across the boat as an investment opportunity but I hate and love to say it at the same time, but I'm really starting to fall for this thing. Seems to be easy and fairly simple to work on and a blast on the water. But I am really torn about upgrades and their priority. I know 1st thing is I want to reupholster and re-carpet. So far the only real wood rot I have found is in the seat bottoms/frames. Hull seems to be in amazing shape and surprisingly I have not seen any fiberglass cracks like I have seen in pictures on this site of restoration projects. Another add-on I have been contemplating is a jack plate and maybe hydraulic steering. As anyone would assume, that motor is a workout to handle... But with me being a newbie and learning the boat, I did end up GPS-ing a speed of 56mph with an unknown prop with plenty more to go. And one day I'll get there, just don't want to jump over my head and the dang things starts dancing on the water on me. Then a restoration/sanding/buffing on the gel coat, new gauges and a few more cosmetic items should about round out the 1st round of items. I will see if I can get some photos to work. Look forward to many more great articles like the ones I've already found here and look forward to becoming a part of the Checkmate family!



I used to live out in your neck of the woods. Chesapeake to be exact on the south side of Norfolk.
NIce boat!
:welcome: to the forum and good looking boat. Love the colors but I may be little biased on an outboard exciter with those colors:thumb:

That boat with 8-10" of setback, the right setup and that power will be a 70+ mph boat.
Thank yall for the welcome aboard!

I reckon you are prior Navy too I would assume by your avatar. If so, thanks for your service! I have just hit my 9 year point at the end of last month. Normally you can find me at Langley Speedway in Hampton, but up until very recently they were closed with no plan to open due to a land dispute so I decided to take up boating... Well, they're open now so I guess I have just expanded on my "go fast" hobby!

Cool deal! I think I needed to get up with you too... I think I read somewhere on here the other day you might have or know the checkmate font. I do have a vinyl plotter but I am looking to cut decals for my boat. I was going to re-create the logo from a .tiff or bitmap if I found one on the web, but it would be a lot better if I could cut out all that work lol.

I love the color too. Metal Flake is awesome and the pictures I posted really don't do it justice. Those were the pictures the previous owner sent to me a couple weeks ago and since then he has really cleaned it before he brought it down. And I'm sure the thing will look awesome once I get done restoring the gel coat. I think I can get it looking new! But... I'm really... REALLY looking into a jack plate... The only thing keeping me from the "buy now" button is I would really like someone to look over the boat. I know I can drill 1/4" holes in the transom and so forth to look for moisture... But... Maybe someone has a moisture detector that would suffice my concern for placing that much stress on the transom without drilling. Other than that I am fully confident in my ability to get it done, just don't want to B.O.A.T. if I need to redirect the funds to redoing some of the bones first.

But so far I am really happy with the boat, and like I said, I really have not seen any cracks or anything in the glass, so all may be a-ok. But, I'm learning more every day into what I'm looking for. So might have missed something yesterday that I learned about today.
Welcome! Looks like a nice start with s little tlc and elbow grease she'll be even better yet!
Got out on the water today. Had a blast! Took a stroll through downtown Norfolk, Va. Perfect weather too! Sunny and 70F!

