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Pic's of new boat

CONGRATS !!!like the orange ...pulsare 2000 is going to be my next boat to...lets us know how it handles (speed etc )..any chine walk ?? thanks
Ok, Just picked it up the first week of June. It does have a flake mist over the orange and black. This orange and black checkered flag boat is truly 1 of a kind and when I first laid eyes on it, I had to have it. I like to call it my 1 off Harley Davidson Special Edition!. As for numbers, I am still running my same ole 1996 225EFI and with the 5 1/2" jack plate, it has run 75 on GPS with just me in the boat. Funny thing is, the guy in the Mercury Racing Scarab said his GPS was showing 79 when I went around him with nothing but the drain plug and the prop in the water. The boat needs the 10" jack plate with 2" spacers to run it's best. Which it will have next week. I wanted to bring it up to Ohio for fun day next weekend, but as that day draws closer, it looks more and more like I won't be going:brickwall: . boatman
Ok, Just picked it up the first week of June. It does have a flake mist over the orange and black. This orange and black checkered flag boat is truly 1 of a kind and when I first laid eyes on it, I had to have it. I like to call it my 1 off Harley Davidson Special Edition!. As for numbers, I am still running my same ole 1996 225EFI and with the 5 1/2" jack plate, it has run 75 on GPS with just me in the boat. Funny thing is, the guy in the Mercury Racing Scarab said his GPS was showing 79 when I went around him with nothing but the drain plug and the prop in the water. The boat needs the 10" jack plate with 2" spacers to run it's best. Which it will have next week. I wanted to bring it up to Ohio for fun day next weekend, but as that day draws closer, it looks more and more like I won't be going:brickwall: . boatman

any chine walk ???.
Ok, Just picked it up the first week of June. It does have a flake mist over the orange and black. This orange and black checkered flag boat is truly 1 of a kind and when I first laid eyes on it, I had to have it. I like to call it my 1 off Harley Davidson Special Edition!. As for numbers, I am still running my same ole 1996 225EFI and with the 5 1/2" jack plate, it has run 75 on GPS with just me in the boat. Funny thing is, the guy in the Mercury Racing Scarab said his GPS was showing 79 when I went around him with nothing but the drain plug and the prop in the water. The boat needs the 10" jack plate with 2" spacers to run it's best. Which it will have next week. I wanted to bring it up to Ohio for fun day next weekend, but as that day draws closer, it looks more and more like I won't be going:brickwall: . boatman

Go for it Boatman!
Yes there is a little chine walk. But I had this same boat last year in a different color and with 12" of set back, you could turn loose of the steering wheel at 76 mph! This boat would have a 10" plate right now but they were out of them so I took it with the 5 1/2". Only difference is, last year I didn't have the nose cone. I am hoping that with the nose cone and the 10" plate, it will be bumping 80. Time will tell. boatman