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Rough running 350

Just found out through a checkmate dealer who has retired, there was a problem with the tanks rotting and getting pin holes. Great :brickwall: Now I have to remove my tank and replace it. Do I need to cut the floor and get the tank out that way? This will be a winter project, but I need a plan on how I am going to start this project. Where can I get the information to follow how to do this
Just found out through a checkmate dealer who has retired, there was a problem with the tanks rotting and getting pin holes. Great :brickwall: Now I have to remove my ta nk and replace it. Do I need to cut the floor and get the tank out that way? This will be a winter project, but I need a plan on how I am going to start this project. Where can I get the information to follow how to do this

I replaced my tank when I redid the stringers. The tank had severe pitting but wasn’t leaking yet. Whatever you do, do not foam the tank back in. I had SpeedyTanks make me a new one. They have pretty good installation instructions for securing the tank.
Either way the floor needs to come out.
Thank you very much for the information, where is speedy tank located? I am in Pa. and the boat is at Deep Creek Lake Md. So I guess I will cut the floor along the stringers the length of the tank and lift it out. Are there any good places to go to get guidance for this job?
Thank you very much for the information, where is speedy tank located? I am in Pa. and the boat is at Deep Creek Lake Md. So I guess I will cut the floor along the stringers the length of the tank and lift it out. Are there any good places to go to get guidance for this job?

I'm also in PA near zip 15632(Delmont), where U call home?
Can anyone tell me how to start this process. I think I just take out the back seat, pull the carpet back and cut out the floor over the stringers. I should be able to get the tank out then. I am going to put back the floor as a hatch so I don't have to cut again. No foam for the tank. What size tank do I have? YES I am going to drain the tank first!!!
Thanks guys this is a nightmare. I started it tonight. Poured some gas in the carb the first time it started and quit. Poured some more and the same. The 3rd time it stayed running, I let it idle and revved it a couple of times. Then I let it idle and then I turned it off. I did pour out the water separator yesterday to check for water. I think it had to prime itself. I am going to take it out tomorrow, didn't tonight because nobody was around to come and save me if needed. I'm from Pittsburgh but the boat is at Deep Creek Lake Md.
Finally got the boat out today and the fuel leak was fixed and it ran great for about 10 minutes. We almost got home to the dock and all of a sudden it started to cut out and finally, we came to a stop in Marine equipment Dubai. it got worse until we stopped completely. It didn't start right away but after a minute it started and we idled back to the dock.
I had an alpha drive that sometimes cut out. It turned out to be the shift interrupter switch. On my 1990 it was a microswitch with a roller on it that fit iin a plastic cam. This cuts out the ignition momentarily when you move from neutral to forward or reverse. If the switch is bad or out of adjustment it can kill the ignition. I just had to adjust mine and actually did it on the water because it would not start.
I had hopes of the boat being all fixed. Just a thought here but check for water in fuel. Check for crud in filters. Check for leak on suction side of fuel system. Make sure fuel tank vent is unobstructed Marine equipment Dubai. While you're in there verify that distributor and connections are all tight. If your rig has a ballast resistor in the coil wiring, make sure it isn't getting really hot. I'm thinking that your rig has HEI ignition so there may be no separate ballast resister.