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Should Checkmate Design a Wakeboard boat?

Sam I am

Well-known member
It seems like the younger generations of boaters are flocking to this boat. I personally don't care for them, but if my kids ever say, "I wanna wake-board or wake-surf..." the Starliner is going to struggle. (As it sits, its an adequate slalom platform.) So, having said that, it would seem Checkmate could take a ZT hull and design a cap that would drop in the existing hull, add some bladders and a big engine, they already have the tower...And there ya go...wake-board boat and probably a jump in sales. Thoughts? I know I'm probably over simplifying the issue, but there's gotta be a move they can make to move the Brand forward, right?
It seems like the younger generations of boaters are flocking to this boat. I personally don't care for them, but if my kids ever say, "I wanna wake-board or wake-surf..." the Starliner is going to struggle. (As it sits, its an adequate slalom platform.) So, having said that, it would seem Checkmate could take a ZT hull and design a cap that would drop in the existing hull, add some bladders and a big engine, they already have the tower...And there ya go...wake-board boat and probably a jump in sales. Thoughts? I know I'm probably over simplifying the issue, but there's gotta be a move they can make to move the Brand forward, right?

I would go straight for the surf boat market. I’m a little surprised they haven’t.

Mastercraft needs some good competition, prices are ridiculous.
I would go straight for the surf boat market. I’m a little surprised they haven’t.

Mastercraft needs some good competition, prices are ridiculous.

I was at our local marina and they had a huge banner out front reading:

"Mastercraft on sale....6 models under $99,000!". Unbelievable! It seems like every other dock has one now. How are my neighbors affording these?
Totally agree on the price point...$130K?! Holy $h!t their expensive. Not sure I see the value at all. Also, I'm waiting for the fish police (DNR and Conservation Groups) to start climbing up these guy's collective a$$. They're pumping 3,000 lbs of water into these boats for their ballast and attempt to drain. I'm sure there's still water in there and then they head off to the next lake...I've never seen any of these guy inspected at the launch where as they're absolutely climbing up the fisherman's butt. Anyway, back to the original point: other markets...also, these boats are HUGE boats...23' all the way up 26'.
I wish they would have a center console. I would have gotten one as opposed to the Bayliner:


I say absolutely not!!! Those wakeboard/surf turds are a pain on the lake!! Those ridiculous cruise ship size wakes they produce have caused damage to peoples beaches, docks, seawalls, and even other boats on my lake!! I'm so sick of my old 'Mate getting the crap beat out of it by those things that i have a hard time enjoying the lake anymore, i'm even considering a bigger 'Mate now mostly because of them! Nope, i don't want to see Checkmate associated with that crap, sorry to be so blunt but i can't stand those things!! I always say grow a pair and learn how to slalom ski at nearly 40mph, if you wanna surf go to the beach!! Again, sorry to be so negative but the wake/surf boats are the scourge of the lake in my opinion!!
I hear you. I'm a water ski guy. There is some good value in the ski boat market right now. BUT, the reason I bring up this topic is that I think the damage is done so to speak. There are too many wake boarder/surfer guys out there that perhaps it's time to join em' if we can't beat em'. Checkmate has good aesthetics and already put out great colors and interiors. The profit margins on these things has to be pretty significant. Just thinking out loud...

I hear you though on the wakes/wave/shore erosion. So annoying on the weekends too...
I agree in that Checkmate should enter wakeboard/surf boat market, I enjoy waterskiing but hear in South Florida more and more do I see wakeboarders and wake surfers, it can be done any were, you don’t need the calmest of waters. Cruising up and down the intercostal I don’t see any water skiers anymore but I always see wakeboarders and wake surfers, water skiers have been displaced to local lakes and even then hear on the lakes you also see the wake boats, it’s a big market, growing fast and Checkmate should capitalize on it, it would be a bad to the bone Checkwake boat
I just want to go on record as having doused more than one crew of a wake boat with the jet drive Mate and cajoled one young driver to chase me into the shallows with his v-drive and that rudder hanging down. I suspect that it was also Daddy's boat.
I don’t like them or the stupid hip hop/rap music they blare out, but if I was in charge of building boats at Hustler/Checkmate I’d want a piece of the action.
So, if Checkmate designed/built one would it impact current Checkmate owners support of the Checkmate brand? I know we all like to look down our nose at the youngins in the big monstrosities with their music turned up too loud, but given that there's likely way more of them then us now, it's a virtual certainty they aren't going away anytime soon.
I'm surprised they haven't made one yet.
It's not like they didn't dabble in a Bassmate, Deckmate, Jetmate and Center console model.
no, expand their line of center consoles...where all the $$$$ is being made at this time...they are missing the boat !