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Signature Content & Sizes

I understand, and I like whatever you did beings there gone now. lol thanks
I manually removed them.

Overall I think the feed is still kind of handy as it uncovers a few gems every once in a while.

If there was a way for me to wave my magic wand and make it just post the good stuff I would. But unfortunately, the way the feed works is that you set up certain keywords to look for and then the feed pushes those listings as they get added. So if some sticker guy lists 10 stickers for sale on a buy it now, then the feed picks those listings up and posts them.

Big sig's are a huge annoyance.... why would I want to scroll down a whole page because someone has a collage of trucks/cars/PWC's and quotes? At least turn your nuisance signature off after you've posted once in the thread.

A small avatar sized picture of YOUR BOAT(s) and brief details should suffice.
So your seriously crying about my small pic that is reduced way down to about 2.5" tall? I cant believe that people would whine about a small collage. I have ***holes that make personal attacks on my disability and nothing gets said on that. But people want to complain about my truck, car, and pwc in my sig.............
U know i'm just busting but yes it really is 4x5 on a 20in screen. It's not real bad to the point it bothers me but you know how it goes. I have hi-speed and a big screen so I guess if I didn't maybe it would. Sometimes I think poeple just get bored and look for things you know!
That because you got it zoomed in so your old ass can read with your trifocals! :poke:

I removed all the other stuff in the sig. In no way is my sig offensive so I see no reason to remove it. I can do a sig with only my checkmates in it to replace it.
haha Your stuff is fine, leave it till the man tells you other wise. I appreiate your toys! Unless you want to change it to your pics of women on the boats!!!!

I just noticed you took off the qoutes ,its much shorter now but you took off the best part of your sig lol
Hey Guys,

I think pics in a sig are fine, it's just they have to be a reasonable size.

What becomes an issue, is when someone puts a large 800 pixel wide by 800 pixel high pic in their sig and then they have a lot of posts in a particular thread. Because then when that member posts a message, the sig part of their message alone makes each of their posts huge. Or the other issue, as Red pointed out, is that when someone puts a really wide picture in their sig, then what happens is that some members using smaller screen resolutions can't see the entire screen and have to scroll left and right to see and read things.

Perhaps for pictures, a collage of some sort but using smaller pics and ending up with a smaller overall image would make everyone happy.

Something like 600 pixels wide max and then not so tall that the collage makes your messages become excessively long.

I think if we could come to an agreement as to what a reasonable size constitutes, then we could make some guidelines of sorts and post it in a thread for people to refer too. :)

So your seriously crying about my small pic that is reduced way down to about 2.5" tall? I cant believe that people would whine about a small collage. I have ***holes that make personal attacks on my disability and nothing gets said on that. But people want to complain about my truck, car, and pwc in my sig.............

Yeah. I'm weeping over here.

First, yes your signature, to me, is(was) annoying with a huge picture along with quotes that made it take up almost a whole page with the other formatting on the 15" laptop I am stuck using right now. Even on a 20" monitor taking up 3/4 of the page I wouldn't be impressed.

Second, how is that comparable to a personal attack on a disability?

I am actually a fan of your boat and have voted for it many times. I could care less about a pwc, truck or fiero though. It is cool to see other peoples toys, but in an appropriate thread, not a dozen times in one thread due to an oversized signature picture.

Maybe hitch the boat up to the truck like a few others and take a nice picture reduced to a conservative size if it really gets ya goin?

Whining, weeping, whatever it is I'm done. Maybe next time "some ***hole makes a personal attack on your disability" you can use your big boy voice and tell them it's not appreciated.
As for the sig, your right, I removed all the crap. Had a couple last night and say that and felt I was getting attacked. No big deal, im done with it. Thanks for the comments on the boat.

No, you were not the one about the disability. After all that had gone on before that, I let it go. Matt is the dousch that said it. I can honestly say I have never disliked anyone or gotten offended by anyones comments till then. Anyone that makes fun of anyone's personal or physical disability no matter who it is deserves a trip to hell. I have felt that was all the way back to middle school with my neighbors mentally handicapped daughter.
I know a lot of us play around and joke at each others expense but we all talk on a daily basis. Nothing is said that is offensive to the other one and if it crosses the line, we stop! But when it comes to a hate comment, it crosses the line with the quickness.

End rant, sorry for jumping back at ya BK!
As for the sig, your right, I removed all the crap. Had a couple last night and say that and felt I was getting attacked. No big deal, im done with it. Thanks for the comments on the boat.

No, you were not the one about the disability. After all that had gone on before that, I let it go. Matt is the dousch that said it. I can honestly say I have never disliked anyone or gotten offended by anyones comments till then. Anyone that makes fun of anyone's personal or physical disability no matter who it is deserves a trip to hell. I have felt that was all the way back to middle school with my neighbors mentally handicapped daughter.
I know a lot of us play around and joke at each others expense but we all talk on a daily basis. Nothing is said that is offensive to the other one and if it crosses the line, we stop! But when it comes to a hate comment, it crosses the line with the quickness.

End rant, sorry for jumping back at ya BK!
I think that size is reasonable and does the job. :)


I just wanted to add that as much as I try to keep up with things on the board, at this point because of how busy the site is and with the number of new posts that are made each day, there is just way too much going on for me to keep up with everything. I do try though. But it takes me a good hour or two each day, just to approve new memberships (on the two sites) and answer PM's and emails.

Having said that, let me say that I apologize for any comments that were made to you with respect to your disability. To be truthful, I didn't read those comments and certainly wouldn't have just overlooked them if I knew they were truly hurtful.

Also, sometimes from my perspective, it's hard to know all the inner workings of the relationships on the site, as some of you guys are also off forum buddies as well as forum friends. So sometimes I assume you guys are just giving each other the gears and it's all in fun.

Well from the way I look at it Chris, your not responsible for what others say. I think you will get ulcers if you worried about every post on here!! But thank you, it means a lot. I know you spend a lot of time and we all enjoy the site very much!
Well from the way I look at it Chris, your not responsible for what others say. I think you will get ulcers if you worried about every post on here!! But thank you, it means a lot. I know you spend a lot of time and we all enjoy the site very much!
You're welcome brother - believe me I try my best.

It's hard to find and then walk the perfect line between not moderating enough and conversely moderating too much. I try to usually err on the side of leaving people alone as much as possible.

As for the more important issue, let me say this. We all have issues, be it health, physical, financial, family you name it. No one is perfect or has it all.

But unfortunately, it seems that people all to often try to hurt others (sometimes even unintentionally) by exploiting their imperfections as those are the areas where we are often all weakest and most vulnerable. The truth is, that although we all feel weak, those are actually and often the areas where we are strongest as we often have to overcome quite a bit in a lot of cases just to cope and also, we draw strength from our determination to persevere.

So as we often say up here in Canada, keep your stick on the ice buddy! :)

Thank You

Dear Chris You do a Awesome Job Taking Care of Your Checkmate site and You are a Very Special Person that I am so Very Proud to be able to Call You My Dear Friend. This is a Great Site with a Lot of Great Members that are Always Trying to Help Each Other. Thank You Again for all that You have Done for Me and all the Other Checkmate Members on this Site. Take Care and everyone have a Great Day. Sammie-Action Marine
Dear Chris You do a Awesome Job Taking Care of Your Checkmate site and You are a Very Special Person that I am so Very Proud to be able to Call You My Dear Friend. This is a Great Site with a Lot of Great Members that are Always Trying to Help Each Other. Thank You Again for all that You have Done for Me and all the Other Checkmate Members on this Site. Take Care and everyone have a Great Day. Sammie-Action Marine
You're welcome Sammie and kind words and wishes right back at cha. :thumb:
