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This weekend: Saginaw River

well looks like the weather is going to be good on saturday up in Saginaw. I will be taking he boat up tonight.
I really should have wiped mine down after I pulled it out of the river two weeks ago, but I was in a huge hurry.
What do you guys use to wipe it down- just a towel or cloth, or do you take a spray bottle to get it a little wet before you wipe it off?
I just wipe it down while it is still wet.....it works great because I use that marine polish with PTEF....that stuff is amazing, everything just wipes right off.
I am thinking we will be out on Sunday as well. I'll get back here late as all get out but sometimes you gotta pay to play right.
Sounds great! Doesn't look like the weather will disappoint this weekend.
I think we'll be on the river by about 10:30 AM on Sunday. It's early, but when you can line someone up to take care of your kid you have to make the most of the time!
Wow...are people ever running amuck with this thread.....haha....hey if you can't have fun, what can you have?

Buss....I think I have it figured out and have it under control. I don't think anything went into the cylinders and I don't think that it got ran enough to wipe the bearings.....I got the good ones in it. We shut it down before the water got too high (it was only coming out of the dipstick...come on). I think after about 3 oil and filter changes and the new THICK intake gaskets that I should be ready to roll (I hope).

Buss, How dare you try and rain on my parade......it's my party and I can kick some a$$ if I want to.
Did you get it running? looking for my daughter to dog sit, still may be up!
Did you get it running? looking for my daughter to dog sit, still may be up!

I am leaving work at noon to go pick up the RIGHT gaskets and put her back together then run for 30 seconds, drain oil, refill...run for 30 seconds, drain oil, refill,.....run for 30 seconds, drain oil, refill,........you get the idea.

I should be ready though.......I hope
Not any I have heard of.....that is a good question......Anybody know about any of these. I already flushed 5 gallons of diesel down the lifter galley and into the pan.....but my lines are still full of something that resembles thick white paint. Hopefully the 4 changes of fluid and filters will do it.
I'm looking around right now- there's been some use of special filters to remove water for utility transformer applications... trying to see what may be out there.
Looks like the best (easiest) thing I could find would be an Amsoil Bypass Filter. It works with a full flow filter, and supposedly removes VERY small particles as well as water. I'm not sure it'd get everything out as quickly as you need to, but you might think about running this in the future...
That page doesn't mention anything about water/moisture removal, but it was on many other pages about that filter.
Also- I don't know where the drain plug is on your engine, but by running the engine after putting good oil in for a short time and letting everything settle the majority of the water should drain before the oil does if the plug is at the lowest point.
I think this is what you were getting at by replacing the oil a couple times... sorry if this is redundant.
Yea...my plug is in the lowest part of the pan.....so I think I can get most of it.....I probably will change the oil again after the weekend too.
Makes it look nice. Dont it?:sssh:
