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Where are you from?

Houston, Texas

Just took ownership of '85 Diplomat. Maiden Voyage on Lake Houston was great. Fastest boat I've ever been on. Can't wait until the weekend to go out again.
Thanks, and welcome everyone.
From Akron,Ohio and is interested in boats. I have owned a boat of my own and want to own another.....
mike f.
from west of atlanta just bought my first checkmate .A 1979 v mate 2 i would like any info or coments ,how good of a boat is it 100 horse johnson how fast can i expect
Welcome aboard Mike. I had a 1979 Vmate II back in the 80's with a 200hp merc was good for 80+ no GPS back then so speedo was only indicator. I had the motor on a jack plate with a nose cone ran a 26-28chopper. Really fun boat. I would have to guess with a 100hp 50MPH maybe. Vmate was a wide boat and really needed at least a 150+ HP to get up and run. Should be a great boat to have fun with but I would look for a bigger engine to really have fun. 100 HP on a VMATE do is a little light on HP.
thanx tcat glad to meet you. I have a 175 black max on my bass boat with a broken transom i was thinking about a transplant the bass boat is pretty heavy but runs about 72 mph no gps so onlyan estimate on speed the check mate seems alot lighter dont know the prop pitch what will i need to do to transplant motors how do i fix the transom with different mounting holes
The 175 Max would be real sweet on the V-Mate II as far as the different mounting holes. I am not an xpert here and some of the other guys may have a better feel for this. But I think your best bet will be to buy a fixed or manual setback plate I think Cook manufacturing (www.cook-mfg.com) may make one that will bolt onto the OMC holes in your transom and then bolt on the motor. I think I saw someplace that they had a 2 inch setback that did this it was very inexpensive too. You may have to call them though they don't show everything they make on the web site.

If not it will be a lot easier to drill holes in the setback rather than fix and redrill holes in your transom.

You can buy a fixed setback for less than 150$

With a 175 on a V-Mate I think that one of these might be best a 26-27 Tempest 3 blade, Trophy 4 blade or Chopper. Hope this helps. It is a very light boat and doesn't need a lot of trim with a good bow lifting prop.

Don't be afraid to ask for help everyone here is great and there is a lot on knowledge on this site.