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Where are you from?

I was just out in Chicago. Went to the car show, then Lake Forest Sports Cars, then the Art Institute. Great place, although I didn't like the weather that much, just like Canada
Big Dave

I am boatless right now - we decided to sell our last boat when we had the 2nd kid 3 years ago. Now it's time for another!!

My birthday is Monday and looks like I will be writing a deposit check to Dave at Fargo Checkmate so he can order me a new 2100 Pulsare BR.

In the past I had a Hydrostream Valero with a nitrous plumbed 2.4L (wife hated it), a 24 foot Scarab with a big block (wife tolerated it), a 24 Rinker Cuddy (family boat that I hated), and I campaigned a 24 foot Skater on the offshore curcuit for 4 years (I loved it and didn't have a wife at the time!!).

I was going to buy an STV Euro over Easter and the wife starting asking if there was any other boat that would satisfy my "need for SPEED" and still be able to take more than just 2 people with us. To be honest, I said nothing that we could afford (the new 27 Eliminator Cat came to mind because it can be had as a bow rider but it is many many more $ than I have!). I remembered that my dad had a 1985 Checkmate and it was a fast quality boat. I checked out Checkmates site, found the 2100 Pulsare and was impressed by the size and the capabilities. Took one for a spin last weekend and was even more impressed (even though it had only a Yamaha 175 on it!)

SO, where do you guys boat at? Greenville is not too far from us. We will probably boat on Ray Hubbard as it is close, but we are going to check out Lake Lavon today via motorcycle - I have heard a lot of good things about Lavon!

We'll have to get together when I get the boat!
I live and play in Metairie LA, just west of New Orleans. I race a J30 sailboat and am taking delivery of a Pulsare 1850 next week. We do our thing on Lake Pontchartrain.

I think my boss live in Metairie....

Ah yes, Lake Pontchatrain - I raced on there a couple of times. That Lake can get wickedly rough real quick given the wrong weather conditions!

Congrats on the purchase!
Indeed, that's our lake, 15 knots of wind with any contingent of North and the waters get nasty. Not much of a problem when racing a sailboat, I suppose it could cause a few problems for small powerboats, I guess I'll find out soon enough.

Ohio. Cruise Lake Erie, the Islands (every weekend) and the Sandusky Bay where the baby sits on a boat lift. 25' Convincer.
six lakes,michigan there no place like hardy pond the weekend after Labor Day known as HOT BOAT WEEKEND OR HARTY PARTY you got to be there
Originally posted by Chris:
I know we have members from the U.S. and Canada, but I was wondering how many of the 50 States we have represented and how many of the Canadian provinces.

So state your state or province I'll add your name to the list and let's see how we do.

Checkmate-Boats.com-The Fanatics Home!
After a long time I finally have internet now. I have moved from wilmington, nc to st. thomas US Virgin Islands. I am in the process of trying to ship my spectra down. The area is awesome for checkmates but only one around I have seen. Tons os other speedboats. I have been in the area for 7-8 months now and only had sailboats to enjoy it on. Now its all about to change!!