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New profile posts

Hey Linn, hope you are well dude. It looks like your project is progressing well..very badass btw!

So, I won't be on the Checkmate forum as much going forward, as I am trading in my 2014 Pulsare 2400 and having a 2016 Hustler Talon built (w/ Merc Racing 565) as we speak. So stoked.

Anyhow, with the Buckeye Lake craziness, I figured I would check in with you to see how boating was on Alum. Nice? A lot of other fast boats out there? I think you mentioned before that you and some of your buddies had some fast boats and were there quite a bit. I know there were some other (Cigarette, Scarab, Eliminator, etc) fast boats on Buckeye Lake that I figured were now going to Alum.

I am actually considering getting a 2nd place at Smith Mountain Lake in Virginia(HUGE), but always nice to have a place local to hook up with others if Buckeye is really going to be closed down for a few years.

Anyhow, let me know your thoughts, And send pics as your build out continues mate.

Hi Jeff , we will be out this weekend . Putting in at Elizabeth Park . Let me know if you want to hook up . 734-272-9569
I have a blue & silver 1980 Entertainer and I'm thinking of putting the checkmate Decals back on this boat. I saw a decal on TTweedy s post that looks stock. Any ideas? Jrockman44@gmail.com . Thanks, James
The rally is at grider hill dock. Lodge rooms are available. Check out the thread for the planned events. My name is Jeff hope you can make it.
I just bought a 1980 Checkmate Entertainer that needs some work. I had a 1987 Webbcraft Cobra that was prefect until it hit a tree. long story. Everything in the Cobra is still great so I started looking for a hull to put the Cobra in and found the Entertainer for a very little amount. I am planning to strip the Entertainer down to the hull and start the build. The engine going in the Entertainer is the Chevy 305 / 200hp which is not the horses that the Entertainer had but that engine has been a solid beast of a motor while in the Cobra. Its going to be a long road ahead but it going to happen. When I learn more about this site i will update the process of the build.
Hello, its merc245 (jeff). I was going to use the houseboat as kinda boating central next weekend. Its only fair I contribute, Just looking for the wheres, whens and how muches. As of now I'm flying solo and plan on crashing in my own berth. Thanks and tell bryan Hi, meet him at the first run.
Thanks Jeff
Hello everyone.
I am new to the site. Just signed up.
This is kind of a test to see if I'm logged in properly.
I'm still trying to learn this system so no pics up yet.
We will be going to the Rally in a few weeks.
Looking forward to meeting some other Checkmate peeps !
I have a 21 Starflight 1986. Baught it brand new off the showroom floor back then. I have tweeked and repowered it many times over the years. Then it collected dust for a few more. In 2004 we did a major restore and repowered with a Merc 2.5 Offshore 280hp.
She still moves out pretty good.

86 Checkmate
Hello everyone.
I am new to the site. Just signed up.
This is kind of a test to see if I'm logged in properly.
I'm still trying to learn this system so no pics up yet.
We will be going to the Rally in a few weeks.
Looking forward to meeting some other Checkmate peeps !
I have a 21 Starflight 1986. Baught it brand new off the showroom floor back then. I have tweeked and repowered it many times over the years. Then it collected dust for a few more. In 2004 we did a major restore and repowered with a Merc 2.5 Offshore 280hp.
She still moves out pretty good.

86 Checkmate
So far 78mph and still has more in her. Still plan on coming up on the jackplate some more next time out.
Any numbers on the new setup with the 400?
Look forward to seeing your boat at the Cumberland Rally.
Hey , what's your number , we are going out tomorrow morning . Putting in at Wyandotte . Leaving his house at 8 .