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Thanks Sammie

Thanks Sammie, and please extend our thanks to Doug also.

Cannot wait to hear this beast roar :banana:

So, I have a stupid question {probably geared more towards Doug}..

If I happened to be in Ohio in the next few weeks, is it possible to drop into the Checkmate plant and get a close up and personal look at this Punisher. {no camera, I promise :sssh:}

Or, is there any set time and place where I {and anybody else interested} can get a "real life" look at this newest and greatest addition to the Checkmate line up ---- may like the next Miami in water boat show.


Thank You Checkmate Members

I want To Thank all You Checkmate Members that have Showed there Excitement and Thanks for the New 26ft Checkmate and this New 43 ft Checkmate Punisher. It Means a Lot to Doug Smith, Myself and all the Fine People at Checkmate that are Making all of this Happen. This is a Very Exciting Time in Checkmates History and the Future of Checkmate for all of us that Love Our Checkmates. More New Products are Being Planed in Checkmates Future and a Bigger Share of the Hi-Performance Market with it.
Kurtster Thank You Too for all Your Nice Complements to Me, Doug Smith and Checkmate. I Will Extend all of Our Checkmate Members Excitement and Thanks to Doug Smith and Checkmate for all of You. I Will Also Find Out for You Kurtster and the Other Checkmate Members if there is any set time and place where You {and anybody else interested} can get a "real life" look at this Newest and Greatest Addition to the Checkmate line up. I am Sure since this Checkmate 43 ft Punisher is a Sold Boat and the Gentleman that Owns it is Even More Excited than us, He will Want to take Delivery as Soon as He Can. Again I want to Thank All of You for Your Thanks and Nice Complements to Doug Smith, Myself and Checkmate. They Mean a Lot. Have a Great Day and Best Wishes Always to all of You Checkmate Members Always Sammie Action Marine
Anyone is welcome at any time to come and see the boat. We will start taking orders and releasing full pics as soon as the boat is ready. Water testing should start early next week as long as the boat is ready. I will keep everyone posted on the perfomance numbers after we run it. Feel free to contact me if you have an interest in owning this boat or placing an order for one.

Thank You Jupiter

Thank You Jupiter. You are Right about A Big Thank You be Given to My Dear Friend Bill Combs, Mike Combs & Kip Combs for keeping the Checkmate Name in Good Hands for so Many Years! and It is Great to see and know that members of the originating family are still actively involved in the future of Checkmate!! Mike and Kip Combs are doing a Great Job as Always for Checkmate and all of us here on this Checkmate Forum. A Big Thank You From Sammie Action Marine
Thank You Jeff

Jeff Thank You. I am Glad You are Back on the Checkmate Forum. I am Sure there will be many Checkmate Members giving You a Visit to Come See Your Awesome 43 ft Checkmate Punisher. I was Trying to Keep My Dear Friend Chris and all His Checkmate Members up to Date on what ever Information I Got From My Dear Friend Doug Smith. I Believe that Chris and His Checkmate Members Deserve to See and Hear about all the New Products that Checkmate is Making First before any Other Web Site. That Being Said I will Leave any More Pictures and Information Up to You Jeff Since this is Your Awesome 43 ft Checkmate Punisher and Your Money Invested into this Great Boat. I Wish You Jeff and Checkmate the Very Best with this 43 ft Checkmate and May You Sell a Lot of them. Always Sammie Action Marine
Jeff Thank You. I am Glad You are Back on the Checkmate Forum. I am Sure there will be many Checkmate Members giving You a Visit to Come See Your Awesome 43 ft Checkmate Punisher. I was Trying to Keep My Dear Friend Chris and all His Checkmate Members up to Date on what ever Information I Got From My Dear Friend Doug Smith. I Believe that Chris and His Checkmate Members Deserve to See and Hear about all the New Products that Checkmate is Making First before any Other Web Site. That Being Said I will Leave any More Pictures and Information Up to You Jeff Since this is Your Awesome 43 ft Checkmate Punisher and Your Money Invested into this Great Boat. I Wish You Jeff and Checkmate the Very Best with this 43 ft Checkmate and May You Sell a Lot of them. Always Sammie Action Marine

Nicely said Viper!!:thumb:

Thank you for keeping them updated, I feel the same way. Day to day business has me overwelmed at times so if you would like to continue updates that is fine, I may chime in from time to time though when I do have time. It is great to see everyone excited about the boat, I have lost weeks of sleep and countless years off my life in this project but would not do it differently, I would do it all over again and will when we take the first order or sell this one. It is great to have excitement instead of bashing!!!! So feel free to post away............


Here Dear Checkmate Members are 2 Videos. I Hope they Work. Always Sammie Action Marine

I am Sorry but the Videos Did Not Load Right Sammie
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did you host those from a different forum? NOWAY. I just recieved these and Wanted to Share them with all of You. I Must of done something Wrong. I am Sorry Sammie


I sent this to Robbie this morning but Robbie is Not here. Robbie I told the Forum this Morning that I Would Not be Posting any more, But i gave You and them My Word that I Would get You Guys a Video of the Motors Running. I Have 2 Videos for You if You want to Post them for Me on the Forum. My Email Address is ..send me a email if you want these viedos to post on the forum Always Sammie Action Marine