Well-known member
Good Luck Checkmate. I can't wait to hear that BEAST fire up!

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Jeff Thank You. I am Glad You are Back on the Checkmate Forum. I am Sure there will be many Checkmate Members giving You a Visit to Come See Your Awesome 43 ft Checkmate Punisher. I was Trying to Keep My Dear Friend Chris and all His Checkmate Members up to Date on what ever Information I Got From My Dear Friend Doug Smith. I Believe that Chris and His Checkmate Members Deserve to See and Hear about all the New Products that Checkmate is Making First before any Other Web Site. That Being Said I will Leave any More Pictures and Information Up to You Jeff Since this is Your Awesome 43 ft Checkmate Punisher and Your Money Invested into this Great Boat. I Wish You Jeff and Checkmate the Very Best with this 43 ft Checkmate and May You Sell a Lot of them. Always Sammie Action Marine