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Boats for Forum Shirt Nominations

yes, can send directly to you if you want....shows much bigger in photobucket...email me if you want me to...ezstriper@aol.com thanks !
Ezstripers boat


  • ezstriper.jpg
    50.1 KB · Views: 453
Would'nt it be easier to just pick a stock photo from the three decades a good csross sectoin of the boats thats what it's all about anyway!

We'll do whatever the majority of the members want to do. Chris and I have toss those ideas around prior to posting. Originally we were going with a 21' Pulsare, a Jetmate and a Convincor. Then we decided to let the members pick three boats for the shirt, however it's up to all of you.
Why not a picture of the origanal checkmate?:poke: and the most popular checkmate and a 10th anerversery forum model. Will they have pockets?
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We'll do whatever the majority of the members want to do. Chris and I have toss those ideas around prior to posting. Originally we were going with a 21' Pulsare, a Jetmate and a Convincor. Then we decided to let the members pick three boats for the shirt, however it's up to all of you.

i can see where this could be a tuff one for CCF. on one hand you could pick the shirt design yourselves and deal with all of the "why not my boat?" crap from some of us. or on the other hand you could let us pick the nominees, vote on the top nine or so and finally vote on the top three winners only to deal with the "why not my boat" crap anyhow. you just can't please everyone and you know what they say.... opinions are like a-holes, everybody has one

i think it's great that you want us to have some say in it but it might be more of a mess than it's worth. personally i think it should be decided by the board and people get what they get and be happy about it.

of coarse sense you did ask for our input i wasn't about to leave out the ZT model

-my 2 cents
I also say to have the people edited out of the boats. I don't want some dude on my shirt :poke: or it looking like a tampax commercial :lol: Now if they are hot and topless, that's another story!

The shirts will be animated so all you'll see is characters on the shirt like this:
