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1986 Starflite restoration

Caliburn do what YF or Ram suggested for painting the bottom. Paint the boat the safe way and don't have a "hold my beer moment".:thumb:
If it was me I would sand or strip the anti-fouling paint off the bottom then sand your topside,hullsides and bottom with a d/a and finish sand with a flat pad sander prime it wet sand it and paint it with an aviation urathane type paint like Amer-Flint.
If you are going to hang it, do you have the ability to hang it about 7-8' off the ground? If so, you could lower one side to expose the bottom without going under the boat.

Sorry been real busy working, no I was going to hang it in the paint booth, there is room but Not enough I think, but great idea thanks:cheers:
Caliburn do what YF or Ram suggested for painting the bottom. Paint the boat the safe way and don't have a "hold my beer moment".:thumb:

thanks, but I dont drink:) any more, but just seems to be so much easyier if I lifted her, I will probobly roll her but just seems like alot more work but I really dont have a good place to roll her lots of gravel around hear.
If it was me I would sand or strip the anti-fouling paint off the bottom then sand your topside,hullsides and bottom with a d/a and finish sand with a flat pad sander prime it wet sand it and paint it with an aviation urathane type paint like Amer-Flint.

already sanded her and most of the bottom already, and I got all my primer, paints, toners and Tamco's version of Imron clear, thanks;)
Here is some photos, been real busy with work and all but had a whole day to work on her, finnaly got the motor off and weeled it in the paint booth, suprising the transom is good besides the cracks in it, I believe that the transom was redone before, from what I can tell is the cracks were caused by, on the left side it started from a broken screw that was covered with glass and it fractured from there up, the one on the right was caused because of a hallow spot where they glassed over the transom, the other cracks had no seperation,


so I beveled out all the cracks and use bondo glass to fill them in, for added support I was thinking on fiberglassing from the splash well all the way down the whole transome, is this over kill?

Ok so I have decided to flip her, but have some concerns, I tried to locate some treads on this flipping ordeal and had a hard time finding anything on the search, I did find Checkmates being seperated and the hull being flipped but not the whole boat, I am not looking to seperate the top from the hull,does anyone know of a good tread with pictures, another concern I have is the top of the boat the MPH and RPM gauge housing sticks up higher than anything and I am worried about crushing it flat well DMG it,
Ok well I got the boat off the trailer by myself, I am going to try to get a few others in flipping her but as it stands I only have one other friend to help with it

Did you ever get the boat flipped over?

Just got it flipped a hour ago,got some guys from work to help out and it took 6 in all and there at the end we almost dropped it so for Starflites being flipped I would recomend at least 6 guys, I have to go to work early so do not have much time to spend on the threads but have a question a friend has a nice Quicksilver SS prop #48 11074 A40 23 pitch what works best for my boat? would this one be good? thanks
Just got it flipped a hour ago,got some guys from work to help out and it took 6 in all and there at the end we almost dropped it so for Starflites being flipped I would recomend at least 6 guys, I have to go to work early so do not have much time to spend on the threads but have a question a friend has a nice Quicksilver SS prop #48 11074 A40 23 pitch what works best for my boat? would this one be good? thanks

That's great to hear!!! Did you sit the boat back on the trailer so that it's easy to move around? I had a 200 EFI Mercury spinning a 23 pitch tempest prop, I'm not sure if the prop you're looking at is the same. I would post that up in the rigging section to get responses.
That's great to hear!!! Did you sit the boat back on the trailer so that it's easy to move around? I had a 200 EFI Mercury spinning a 23 pitch tempest prop, I'm not sure if the prop you're looking at is the same. I would post that up in the rigging section to get responses.

Thanks for the support, No we just rolled her over on the grass, just ordered silver pearl to add to the clear when I go to paint, i will put the silver over the white and blue pearl over the blue, with the small stripping being a navy color for contrast, I really think this will be a real good looking Checkmate after its all said and done.
How soon before paint?

It has been raining here and I have to sand the Anti-fouling paint off the bottom first and that will take a day at least, why would anyone ever paint black over a white hull I will never know, probobly because black is the cheapest I guess, I am hopping by the end of this weekend to have the bottom done, then getting the boat back on the trailer will be an issue but I have to work on that to all the U bolts need to be replaced, the rails are good but need new carpet so I have to do that as well, so as long as I get a few days off from work I hope to have it back in the paint booth by Sun.
Sanded with 80 grit to get the Anti-fouling off and it took 7 hours to do, even burned up one of my sanders, well after it was sanded off I found a real nice suprise hidden under that black paint so I will assume the core was rotted out, dont really know untill I am done with the bottom and flip her right side up an take another real good look. great more work, like I really needed to see this and the bottom was so scratched up I dont think the old owners put it on a trailer at all I think they just drove it home on concrete.:brickwall:[




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That's the thing about resto's... never know what you're gonna find.

I'm going to primer mine black btw ;) Def not anti fouling black sh!t though! Some ppl just take the easy way out-those same ppl should not own boats! Hope the core issue turns out better than it looks!

That's the thing about resto's... never know what you're gonna find.

I'm going to primer mine black btw ;) Def not anti fouling black sh!t though! Some ppl just take the easy way out-those same ppl should not own boats! Hope the core issue turns out better than it looks!

you got that right and thanks, I always thought the Transom was redone, it did not look factory thats for shure so hopping they did the repair with the transom but shure does look like rotten core under that repair in spots.
you got that right and thanks, I always thought the Transom was redone, it did not look factory thats for shure so hopping they did the repair with the transom but shure does look like rotten core under that repair in spots.

Maybe it was just a glass repair and the core is fine? just a thought...:cheers: