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1988 Vision redo

At the risk of derailing this thread if you were closer I'd tell you come by and we could raise the motor a couple of holes here in no time Chris. You can try plugging the top 3 or 4 holes on the sides of the lower with stainless allen head pipe plugs.

Never worry about derailing any of my threads, it' all about conversation, it's all good ;)
I'm glad someone with hanger expertise weighed in for Chris.
LOL! Cool. I've been meaning to raise mine a couple of holes, if the plate is all the way down the steering hose fitting fittings on the ram can hit the transom when you get near the top of the tilt range. I've got the lifting ring and cherry picker sitting here to do it.
Starting to put the engine compartment back together and yesterday I pondered what to do about a end piece for the blower hose, -- the way it was before was kinda cheesy whereas it was zip tied to a little eye hook on the floor.
So I spent a stupid amount of time surfing around different websites looking for something that would serve the purpose.....

Wasted a couple of hours and found nothing.

So, I went trash diving in my shop and found a solution.
The old original blower that I threw away is actually gonna find its way back in the boat {sorta}

Do a little cutting with my trusty dremmel....

Clean it up and get ready for install....

Throw a little slut red paint on the outer shell, and a pretty nice neat clean lookin end piece.

Waiting for a new collector box being delivered by Mr UPS guy tomorrow so I can finish the rest of the blower setup.
Just about ready for the engine and new transom assembly and new steering installation.
Engine room finished....
....all new wiring and rerouted with split loom piping
....new bilge pump and hose
....new bilge blower and hose
....new collector box
....refinished battery holder
....new fire retardant foam cushion around fuel tank
....new fuel input hose
,,,,new fuel tank vent hose
....new hidden blue LEDs throughout
....minor floor repair
....couple coats of white bilge paint

Had to keep a kinda tent thing over the compartment while working in there as the sun was getting a little too much to handle ---- temps in there were over 100 deg on a couple of days :pissed:





Will put one more thin coat of paint on the floor once I'm finished jumping in and out of there.
Next I'll give the stern a nice wet sand and buff before transom assembly install.
lets get it together {again}

Well, it's time to start putting this thing back together......

I finally got my new transom assy delivered from Mercury, wow these things have gotten expensive, --- this will be the third time I've purchased a new transom assembly, the first one was back in 1984 and it cost me around $400 ----- this one today was $1800 {and it's just an Alpha assy}.
But I digress........

One last look at the big hole in my stern --- stern has been wet sanded and buffed.


Mmmmm..........clean shiny parts...... I love working with new parts.

Ahhh, that was kind of a pain in the azz but she's in after three and a half hours of fiddling around.





Tomorrow I'll tackle the new steering.......
Here's a preview.......
I'll be saying goodby {good riddens} to that old Ride Guide system with the square shaft and grey cable.:o


Today the steering system gets replaced.

The old system is a single cable rack type tapered square shaft Ride Guide.
Realistically this is a 55mph under 300hp alpha drive vessel, it does not need any extraordinary high tech dual cable hydraulic blah blah blah......

A good quality, tight and responsive basic garden variety nfb single cable rack replacement will be more than enough for this modest performer.

Here is the old grey cable Ride Guide system......
Looks very basic and a nice easy Saturday afternoon project.
And I get to lay down while doing this :p


Drop the rack and cable, now remove inner collar.

Yet another hole to fill

The new outer collar gets installed

Slip new helm shaft up through.

Install helm cover.

New Helm---- also did a little rearranging and dressing of wires so as to stay clear of new steering.

New cable rack

Send that new black cable down the gunnel

Done, -- dash back to normal
Nice easy project --- just a couple sockets and a drill, two hours later and a new steering system is ready to go {ya I may have taken a break or two :o}.

Tomorrow we plan on getting an early start so as to drop my replacement 350 mag in before the 1:00 Patriots game.

Spoiler alert.........
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So, pulled my spare engine out of storage, this is a mota I originally bought for my Scorpion a few years back.
It came from a Scarab that was run up on rocks in NH --- I knew the guy that owned it and I know the shop that worked and maintained the boat.
It got new main and rod bearings / rings / valve job / new rebuilt 650 holley / water circ / fuel pump / etc.... then after only a few hours run time he crashed his Scarab and I was more than happy to pull that mota and buy it --- it was packed and crated to be used in my Scorpion the following year --- however sold the Scorpion that winter with it's original mota and I was left with a refreshed 350 Mag packed in a crate.
The last few years it has been taken out of storage and ran a few times and repacked and crated.
Well, rubber and neoprene age even if not used much so we did put new belts and hoses on her.
After only 11 hrs run time since being refreshed almost for years ago, here she is ready to give new life to another boat.
Get plenty of blankets around my new paint job, lift the mota and get'er done.

Rob is smaller than me so he gets to do some hook-ups {and he is an awesome certified Merc mechanic.

I'm gonna need to go back and do some more wire and cable dressing once we get everything setup and running.

Not happy with how my throttle/shift cables are resting on the wire loom -- will go back and take care of that somehow.

She does fit and look nice in there.

Did need new motor mounts and tab washers as we realized there was gonna be an alignment issue when we get to the drive install.
Lookng awesome! Is that a stock rebuild or slightly warmed up?

According to the repair slips I got with the purchase, she is a completely stock rebuild with original cam and crank.

That's OK though, I kinda like having a simple, easy to work on, basic v8, that I can always get parts for right off the shelf at the local store.

Someone once said the best way is the KISS way......
Keep It Simple Stupid :D
Finally get to take my drive out of the back of my Ranger after sitting there for the last few days.

After fiddling around with the alignment tool for a while, the drive, and engine are dead nuts perfect.
Finally get my Vision whole again {well, without the hatch for now}.
Also missing the rams "power trim" decals -- there on there way by mr ups.

In the tub she goes...

She frickin started right up after only three or four cranks :D
Ran it up for about 15 minutes then did a little fine tuning with the timing and carb.
Shut her down, changed the oil {didn't find even the smallest spec of debris in the oil}.
Ran her up again for 25 minutes and she just purred like a perfect little sbc
She came up and maintained her temp at 155 , rpms steady at 800, oil press at 40, tips squirted nice streams, and the elbows stayed nice and cool.

Before I put the engine hatch back on I need to go back in and do some minor repairs of a couple mishaps during the install process, -- couple paint chips around motor mnts / finish wire and cable dressing / broke one wire loom clamp.
Aside from that minor stuff, this install went very very well and I couldn't be happier with the results "so far".
Still need to put her in the water in the next couple days and make sure she doesn't sink.