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1988 Vision redo

To be honest, I absolutly love the look of capping, however the marina my boat racks at is like friggin bumper cars on the weekends and I just can't trust the yahoos with there weekend warrior bump and grind manuvers :pissed:
Your tabs look real nice Kurtster and very strange they would both freeze up. Im curious what is causing it. Keep us posted.

I havn't sent the rams back to EMI yet to hear what they have to say, but here is a picture of what I "see"....

These rams are siezed solid, -- obviously a buildup of a corrosive..... so the questions are why and what...

These rams had only been in the water for a total of 6 hours {two three hour runs} before they failed... and yes the boat gets washed and rinsed after every run.

Any thoughts from you guys?

Oh and the other questions are gonna be---- will EMI warranty these and what should I use for replacement ?????

Did they possibly screw a screw into a power wire on one of the brackets that they mount to?

Everything is as it should be, --- no wiring issues / no leaks or oclusions in hydro lines / no angle jamming of the rams and plates.

Just two pistons corroded/siezed --- I've had tabs on all but one of my previous boats and never had any problems --- as a matter of fact, on my last boat I put a cheap pair of Bennetts on and that boat sat in the water all season every season for 6 years and never had any tab ram issues.
I guess that's what I get for trying to be cool with this fancy hi falluttin crap :yell:
Everything is as it should be, --- no wiring issues / no leaks or oclusions in hydro lines / no angle jamming of the rams and plates.

Just two pistons corroded/siezed --- I've had tabs on all but one of my previous boats and never had any problems --- as a matter of fact, on my last boat I put a cheap pair of Bennetts on and that boat sat in the water all season every season for 6 years and never had any tab ram issues.
I guess that's what I get for trying to be cool with this fancy hi falluttin crap :yell:
Did the marina happen to wash your boat with some on/off ? notice the pits on the outside of the ram...
Did the marina happen to wash your boat with some on/off ? notice the pits on the outside of the ram...

Ahhhh, as a matter of fact they did ---- right after the tabs were installed I had the marina clean and buff the entire hull --- The day they were doing it I stopped in at the marina during lunch and the smell of "on/off" was burning my eyes and the owner of the marina was yelling at his guy for letting so much "on/off" run down the storm drain.

So, Paul {AKA -- the amayzing Karnack} what do you know about "on/off" coming in contact with cheap metals like aluminum?
I'm thinking your hitting the nail on the head {man I like this forum}
Ahhhh, as a matter of fact they did ---- right after the tabs were installed I had the marina clean and buff the entire hull --- The day they were doing it I stopped in at the marina during lunch and the smell of "on/off" was burning my eyes and the owner of the marina was yelling at his guy for letting so much "on/off" run down the storm drain.

So, Paul {AKA -- the amayzing Karnack} what do you know about "on/off" coming in contact with cheap metals like aluminum?
I'm thinking your hitting the nail on the head {man I like this forum}
Its not a problem if it is completly rinsed off.the giva way was the pits on the outer cylinder.was the drip dry that caused it.good luck.
Its not a problem if it is completly rinsed off.the giva way was the pits on the outer cylinder.was the drip dry that caused it.good luck.

I just came from the shop where the boat is being painted and having a custom glass layup done......

I showed them one of the rams and they completely 100% agree with your findings Paul ----- they said absolutly the on/off would cause that exact damage almost immediately {within 24 hrs} on aluminum because it's basically pure acid.
They told me they have seen this type of damage quite a few times caused by on/off {or better put, caused by mis-use of on/off} --- for example on aluminum extrusion of rub rails.

I think we have found {or I should say Paul} has most likely solved the mystery.

I'm gonna get a small amount of on/off and do a test experiment with a piece of polished aluminum and see if the reaction matches what I have on my rams..

Thanks again Paul --- it's great to be in a forum with real boat people:)
Well, the boat is now sitting at the shop and today we were discussing and choosing color cards / striping / rubrail replacement / custom forward deck layup / windshield alteration / and a couple of other exterior custom items.

Once the boat is finished at this shop, it'll come back to my shop for some more extensive cockpit and interior work --- ie.. upolstery / dash work / carpet / etc..

You are welcome Kurt.I believe any on/off is not a good thing,except maybe on some tough stains.What happend to elbow grease?Are you going to get rid of the bottom paint?
You are welcome Kurt.I believe any on/off is not a good thing,except maybe on some tough stains.What happend to elbow grease?Are you going to get rid of the bottom paint?

No everything below the rub rail will remain the same {except the tape pin striping will change slightly} ---- the hull was just redone with awlgrip two years ago and is in very good condition.
Once ya start stripping these things down for the makeover, they sure don't look so purdy anymore :(


Floors in very good shape -- It must have been replaced at one time, I doubt it's original.
Hover the carpets and seat pedistals will be replaced.


Ahh the "stick-ons" are now a mere shadow of their former selves.


Wonder what I'm gonna do about a windshield replacement {I'm sayin nuthin}:sssh:


Hatch window removal {I hated that old flip up}:pissed:


Tips and ski bit removal --- as u can tell by the extreme dicoloration of the black gel coat, it took a lot of heat from the guns to smoothly remove various hardwares and stick-on decals.


Gonna take the next few days off for the holiday and will resume this project after next weekend......
Oh and by the way ---
Does anybody have any ideas about rubrail replacements....

The only thing I can seem to get from our friends at Checkmate is a big bulky looking extrusion and insert.... {thing looks more like a guard rail instead of a rub rail}:mad:

I havn't started looking too hard yet but I'll be looking for the flatest / flushest / lowest profile replacement I can find --- and hopfully all in back.

Any ideas ????
You can find some flat HDPE stock and make your own. That would look nice.

Might be a good idea if I can't find something from a vendor that fits closely to what I'm wanting.
I'm already kinda strapped to custom fabricating other items to this makeover, so I need to start limiting the actual labor time I'm getting involved with.