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2001 Evinrude 250 HP schrader valve gas leak

Rob B

Staff member
Took the family out to the lake today (pictures in another thread) we got to the sand bar where our son can swim. Drop the anchor and started smelling gas thought maybe it was fumes, check underneath the sun pad didn't see any leaks. Hung out at there until time to leave the motor started bogging like it was getting gas then just took off, got back to the dock had gas pouring out from the underneath the cowling. I pulled the cowling off at the house gas was still seeping out of the schrader valve. What I found out was the Ethenol fuel causes those valves to fail, so gonna order a new one a smooth $214.00 for it.:shakehead: The link for the part:http://www.boats.net/parts/detail/brp/B-5001275.html


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Yeah Ethanol just loves rubber... You should be able to get the parts to fix without buying the whole assembly...but how they handle parts for anything these days it wouldn't surprise me if ya did....
I have the same problem with my 115 evinrude. the reason it cant be fixed is the complete brass assembly pulls away from the plastic assembly. mine came out once and I put it back and glued it, it lasted 1 month. It came loose yesterday again so i put it back in and put a worm drive clamp around the plastic tee and that holds the brass assembly in. so far its working.
although I know I will have to replace it anyway but want to get through the season.
that is exactly what it is for.(checking fuel pressure). so far mine is still working. hoping to get through the season and then fix or sell it.
I wonder how hard is it to replace the whole assembly. I looked in the manual doesn't look that hard. I'll pull the cowling off tomorrow and look again.
I think it requires a special tool to release the ends but I'm not sure the bottom of mine is easy to get to but the top connection I can't even see. looks like a real pita. to me
I think it requires a special tool to release the ends but I'm not sure the bottom of mine is easy to get to but the top connection I can't even see. looks like a real pita. to me

This is starting to sound like a job for the BRP tech. I bet this isn't going to be cheap if a tech has to work on it.:shakehead:
Before you do that let me take a look at it... check the manual i can't imagine it being that hard...but...

Just looked at the hose routing, seems simple to repair, the lower cowling needs to be removed three screws holds that in place. The hose is connected to the fuel pump then the valve. I'll see if the local auto parts store has a Schrader Valve like the one Keith posted from ebay.
They should... as they are common on all fuel injected cars etc....now if BRP makes there own size or something you might be in trouble...but its basically same simple design as the air valve in your bike tires...
Have you considered taking up sailing? Still not cheap but certainly cheaper.
Tough for water skiing but still possible. In a hurricane.
They should... as they are common on all fuel injected cars etc....now if BRP makes there own size or something you might be in trouble...but its basically same simple design as the air valve in your bike tires...

Doing some reading over on the BBC seems the new part from BRP doesn't have the valve in the new hose assembly. That said can I remove the valve all together?
I would think that you could remove it. Usually they are used for checking fuel pressure or maybe a place to hook up an injector cleaner kit.