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Bdusted440's 20' checkmate

Well it floats runs and moves.And LOOK MA NO LEEKS.
well here are some under construction pics

Looks as good as new.I'm happy with it and they did it in two weeks or just shy.The windshield will go on after the carpet and console cabnets go in.By the weekend I should have the interior done.Then its time to cruise and break the motor in.
Oh and the pics do not due it justus.
Originally posted by orangecrush:
What Happened ???? they having trouble with there shooter you shouldnt be sanding if they sprayed it.
OC gel will not spray as smooth as other paint it has to be sanded. It is not realy paint it is resin, its not realy designed to be sprayed like that, it was meant to be used inside of a mold. It also cures it does not dry. And in order to trick it into cureing outside of a mold you have to add surfaceing agent. This is parafin wax disolved into styrene monomer. Then as the styrene evaporates from the surface of the sprayed gelcoat it leaves behind the wax and it forms a layer over the gel. This the is removed by sanding and buffing.
forward or reverse? ha-ha, inside joke!!
did you get that thing all done yet? you better run as much as possible, we're runnin out of water around here!! can you say...DROUGHT!!!

i stopped and checked it out about the time the photos were taken, lookin good!!! lets get out and run that thang!!

Forward and reverse 345 later.Ran all weekend.It was nice.we got enough rain today to bring the levels up.Are you up for some boating this weekend?
yeah, im ready, going to blarneys today!! no boat though....waters to low for me!!

id be surprised if the river comes up much...i guess it depends on what they do with the dam!

dam it!!
You chicago guys got no water, and just two hours away in SW Michigan, we've got flooding and high levels.................
Tried to call, no answer, you must be out enjoying the boat! I left my number on your cell.............Have fun!!
Jw you have to call the house I dont own pmr anymore the cell and all that stuff went with the business.He was suposed to have sent you out what you needed but i guess not. give me the part numbers and ill buy them from merc parts express and have them shipped were ever you want.sorry i thought it was handled.I just bought a new pc so im back online.I pm you the number.
Cool, thanks Brian! I see the tach harness is on it's way. Let me know the cost so I can Pay Pal you like I did for the other parts.