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Black 283 Build in Charlotte

Well, no numbers coming, never got her out of the slip. Starboard motor was flooding bad. Did decide to adjust float level but it was still flooding bad. I'm just guessing there float malfunction. Also, when it did fire there was definately a sound coming from the motor. Sounded like a timing chain but who knows. Shut her down and dropped her off at my rigger. Better safe than sorry.
A couple guys out of Clover. Lake Wylie, Pirate Port marine. Their attention to detail is second to none. They don't have a fancy shop and are not really well known like the Chad and the Boat Repair Plus guys. I went with my formula to visit the Boat Repairs Plus guys and they sure had a nice shop and did nice work. They are very very hardcore mercury fans though, and I am not. I was going to the guy with my formula and one of the things I was going to do was to mount some B Max's on the back and they didn't want anything to do with it. Basically would only mount merc products, which I have never had any luck with. I wasn't going to go and drop 20k for new XR's and all related stuff just to have to baby the boat. I've had B MAX drives with big power before and I'm a fan. A few boats ago I even payed to have the imco whatever it is taken off of the back of my (brand new) cat and put an arneson on it.

Anways, they are more than competent folks. But again, White Performance in TN did the engine build and dyno work.
sorry for going MIA. Something happened to one of the motors, parties stepped up and did the right thing so I really don't want to go into details. Also broke my foot which didn't help any either.

I was out on the boat yesterday and finally started laying into the throttle. My builder said I could lay on them right out of the hole but I at least wanted to get a little run time on them so last weekend I was pretty much just driving.

Let's just say this. I'm not propped right, not even close. 5200RPM at 80mph, give or take is what I'm doing right now. Having not owned a Bravo boat for 9 years I'm re learning the drives as well in regards to the trim and tabs. I'm waiting on a call from brett @ B Blades right now.

Data (provided tachs are accurate, which i hope they are):
2600, 47mph
3200, 57mph
3600, 61mph
4200, 65mph
5200, 80mph

I have no idea how much of a difference this stuff makes but I think too, in looking at the dyno and talking to my builder we want to move our max sustained target from 6300rpm to 5900 or so. Also, probably need to revise our stated HP down because with the mercury/GIL's on there I know I'm down some power vs the dyno headers. (maybe 30-40hp? Who knows)
"SCT, the eyes and ears of the Checkmate forum. With picture proof to boot!"

Just to much time on my hands and no boat (not really sure if I own a boat anymore or not.....).

I have a video of Stang idling out but don't know how to post it.....if one of you guys want to post it.👍
Dude, I can't believe you got a pic of my boat, haven't seen it in two months and you get a peak before me!! lol I haven't been avoiding you guys I've just been in a deep depression :brickwall: going through the woes of new project. It's been a long off season, who ever made the murphy's law comment earlier.....we are not friends :poke: :bigthumb:

Just teething issues, that are taking time and $$$. We found traces of water in the crankcase on both engines after another test run near the end of the year last year. I took the boat to BRP (SCT, you know who they are, boat repairs plus, that's who was in my boat yesterday, Bob and his son Chad). Turns out the cams were a little to aggressive and I was getting a little reversion. My three choices were to run dry exhaust (no way, too loud), roll the dice with some 10k high rise aftermarket exhast and HOPE that it didn't revert, or replace the cams and fix the problem. Being that I have plenty of horses already AND didn't feel like dropping 10K on a coin flip, the choice was easy. Those cams that were in the original build were in fact installed and recommended by White so after a few phone calls they agreed to pull the motors and replace the cams, on their dime. (good people, a shop to stand by their work, a rarity) When we got the boat back about 3 weeks ago BRP went through and did some small things and got her back in the water only to find some other small gremlins that needed to be worked out. Yesterday she hit the water and today I'm going to pick her up with a clean bill of health. I'll run around with her this weekend and start learning how to drive this thing.

Do any of you guys have drive trim/ tab recommendations when the speed starts getting up there? Again, I'm a cat guy, this high speed V Hull thing is something I'm a bit rusty at to say the least. With tabs up I know she starts rocking back and forth around 80-82.
Dropping it in the water today with some 28 pitch bravo props to see what happens, they are a little beat up but will give me a base line vs the 32p I tried before. It felt over propped with them.

Had this done with SeaDek yesterday, came out nice, great safety factor vs the old worn out grip tape that was on there. Had to add the under mount swim ladder as well, cleans up the look of the back end and goes much further down than the stocker that mounted on top of the platform.


local Sea Dek vendor, if you go their website there is a search function. Guy was mobil, came to me to measure, then came back to install, $605, not bad considering it was dangerously slippery and I fell off washing it onto my driveway last year first day I had it :( I was used to the perforated one on the formula.
let me know how pricing compares - was going to go with the tube style but that seadeck looks great on the original platform!

I was looking at a tube and it just didn't make sense to me from a $$$ standpoint. I was doing it solely because of grip. I wasn't joking when I said I fell off the darn thing the first day I had it on my driveway. The aftermarket would have been $2500 to $3000 min when all was said and done. If memory serves the platform with a nice ladder that folds up slim underneath was about $2000 shipped, plus a 2-4 week wait min, from when I got all the dimensions, etc. Then I'd have to repair the transom from the pre existing bolt holes and pray the guy trying to match 20 year old gel did a good job. Figured $1000 for that. The Sea Dek was fast, came out good, MORE grip than the tube. Only other thing I wanted to do was a nice undermount swim ladder so I didn't have the stocker on top breaking up the nice lines of the pad. Ladder cost me about $160 and is easier to operate and goes deeper in the water.

Hey Corey, I'm guessing you've done the Cumberland Poker Run? I'm making reservations for the summer this week and I THINK that's one I want to go to with the Mrs. Do they do a high speed shoot out there? I'm not going to ask if it's a good time, I'm sure it is lol....From the pics it looks crazy.

UPDATE: Had the boat out on Saturday and I was running into a brick wall at 5000 RPM. With both 28p and 32p props. It was obvious we have a limiter in there. These engines make peak PQ TQ with the cams around 5200 and have max sustained at 6200 so we are not close. I'm opening up the distributors whenever this rain stops and replacing the petronix module in there. btw, at 4900rpm 32p boat is running about 82 and 28p about 76mph. Plenty of blow out because she is running a solid 50mph with the 28p @ 3000 rpm. Brett from B blades is calculating the slip at those max speeds over the 20% range. We are working under the assumption it is because I have the stub nose pre 1990 or whatever year lower drive on there. It is what Shogren had put on. I'll get the limiter out of there and go from there. However, SADLY, someone else may have to finish the fun project. Not sure I'm going to spend the $$ for new lowers, even though that's all it may take. When I bought this boat I wasn't on the lake. This past winter I finally found a home and put in a 16 thousand pound lift. I don't have to worry about launching every time I go out so I'm already looking at an upgrade, probably end of the season. We will see........ Hope to have more data this weekend. Finally I'm on to the fun part :rof:
Would love to see this boat finished...looks awesome.

I did a seadek install on the floor in my Ranger. Great stuff! Wish it was in the Starliner.
