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Board Milestones

Well, today we hit 3000 posts.
Congrats to all those who joined so far.
And thats for making the site what it is to day.
All we can go is up.
Thats great to hear man. This place is getting more and more popular... You have around a third of the posts, while Gus, JW, Bill, and myself make up most of the rest... Still, thanks to all who joined...
Well, we just hit 4000 posts. And it was pretty quick, considering we lost a number of posts that were deleted. :thumb:
Congrats to all of us... Who got that post? Sure wasn't me I'm sure... Wonder what those community measures will read this month...
Originally posted by Chevy Corvette Z06:
Congrats to all of us... Who got that post? Sure wasn't me I'm sure... Wonder what those community measures will read this month...


Checkmates may not be the fastest boats on the water, but they are the nicest looking!
It was me Z. It was one of those Milwaukee boat show pics.
Yes... I love this place man. To Chris, Jim, and Gus, all of you keep up the great work! Many more boating experiences to come!
Congrats one again. I remember Gus saying this, we can only go up from here. It seems like the numbers are taking less and less time to get higher
Chris and I have close to 3000 of those posts, I just saw that. Still, congrats and can't wait to see something like 50 000!!!!
I have way too much time. I am catching up to Chris when I joined on January 5th and he joined on November 13th. I can just go on the net and post at home and work, whenever I have time...