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Roughly $3,500 per propX2 to make a set X18! Excuse me sir, but could you spare some change?:thumb:

Depending on the props it could be considerably more Powerboat had a little write up about the new forged Herrings and they are as much as $6K each. I believe some were even higher than that.
Scoops and underside of hatch to be painted to match, and btw, these are not my props, just have them here to try. LOL

Hope you can share your performance numbers with us as you test the 18 or 19 sets of props with this monsta.
Checkmates move {and yours} into this level of behemoth power boating could very well be historic in the offshore power boating world and we all can't wait to witness it. :drool::drool::drool:

Mateman I Sent Chris 19 pictures of the 43ft Checkmate, including Pictures of inside the Cabin of the 43ft Checkmate . I am sure Chris will Post them Tonight if he is Back in town. Everyone Needs some time off on the Weekends Including Our Dear Friend Chris. Everyone Have a Great Week. Always Sammie Action Marine

Oh Chris where the pictures man?:poke: You're holding out on us!!!:D
Thanks to all for the updates,
Would really like to see the cabin on this beast.
The square inserts in front of rear seat, What are they? Custom throwables or something else.