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That thing looks great, but the unever exhaust placement on the stern looks funny.
That thing looks great, but the unever exhaust placement on the stern looks funny.

I have to see the inside of the engine room but I've seen that done a few times on staggered setups because gets the inboard tailpipe out of the way so you can have easier access to the rear engine.
I have to see the inside of the engine room but I've seen that done a few times on staggered setups because gets the inboard tailpipe out of the way so you can have easier access to the rear engine.

If you click on the OSO link you can see all the pics. I'm sure there is a reason to do this but it gives it a very unbalanced look. I wonder if there is a way around this in the future.
If you click on the OSO link you can see all the pics. I'm sure there is a reason to do this but it gives it a very unbalanced look. I wonder if there is a way around this in the future.

If you order one I'm sure they can design the exhaust to suit your needs Dave.....:poke::thumb:
Tons of pictures on the Seeley Wright toy store web site, link to the left here
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I have seen a lot of staggered engine setups with exhaust like that. I think it is just because of how the engines sit, it just makes more sense that way with less bends in the pipes.
Most of the time the engine that is in the front has the inside pipe go straight back and then it is inside the pipe of the engine that is farther back...so they are on the "wrong" side of each other.
Anyway that thing is awesome! 92 is awesome! The pics look sweet.
No matter what you do with a tight staggered setup like that the exhaust will never be even unless you either have lots of bends in your custom tails or merge the center two pipes into one (seen mostly on triple installations IMO). If you are running behind it looking at them you need more HP!
Boats with a little more height under the hatch have the front engine inside pipe run right over top of the rear engine inside valve cover. This results in a balanced look from the rear.

If it was my boat I would not care about this issue at all.

How come OSO Forum seems to get the pics, adds, and info on the "43" more so than the Checkmate Forum, IMHO? I guess there is more money over there. Just asking.

