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Lots of publicity surrounds this particular hull... Some positive,some negative, but publicity non-the-less.

I wonder if Checkmate has scored any 2013 Punisher orders as of yet.


That ones brand new they got the molds after cm built the punisher
That's exactly the exhaust setup that I was talking about...
Anyway where did that boat go? What speeds did it run with what motors? Anyone know? I'm just curious.

The Chief is for sale and has been for quite some time, look in OSO classifieds. If I remember correct those are 900's and the boat is a little slow with that power.

The boat has 950's and #6 drives, from what I understand it has changed hands a couple of times. From what I have read nobody has really invested the time in the set up to get it dialed in. Its for sale on oso under chief.
If that boat was built after cm had the molds does cm still have them or have they gone back to apache?

Confused. How could cm build anymore 43's if they don't have the molds anymore?

The only thing I can tel you is that controversy follows the name "Bob Saccente" in every venture he's involved with:shakehead:. It begins with the original Apache boat company, followed by Nutech, then the failed venture with Thad Allen's misnamed "Apache" and following lawsuit with Mark McManus (real Apache), the failed "Chief" boat company, a failed joint venture with Active Thunder and now he's back again. The man may have been a genius throttle man back in the day with Ben Kramer..and he may have a great deal of knowledge in boat design and refurbishing old Apaches...but a businessman he is not!
Bob saccente aside there was one piece of info there that is pertinent to the punisher. In comparison this is a race boat no cabin built of cf/Kevlar with epoxy usually all the good stuff to make a race boat as light and strong as possible anybody want to guess the weight???
Weight: 10,500 lbs

I think your getting at, the punisher is a full cabin, loaded up boat that weights about the same.
If that boat was built after cm had the molds does cm still have them or have they gone back to apache?

Confused. How could cm build anymore 43's if they don't have the molds anymore?

So who has the molds? and is ths punisher now a one off?

The Chief is a 2006, The 43 is a one off now, but plenty can be ordered threw Jeff at Seelye Wright. It will be a one off unless somebody orders one.
He has some pretty serious toys for a guy that doesn't have business sense. I wonder where he gets the money???


Bobby never has his own toys...they all belong to other people with deep pockets. He just always surrounds himself with the "Apache Mystique" and finds people who want to "invest" in the "Apache Cult". The real owner of Apache is Mark Mcmanus on the west coast of Florida. Few new Apaches are built (if any) each year but they do a lot of renovation work.
Bobby never has his own toys...they all belong to other people with deep pockets. He just always surrounds himself with the "Apache Mystique" and finds people who want to "invest" in the "Apache Cult". The real owner of Apache is Mark Mcmanus on the west coast of Florida. Few new Apaches are built (if any) each year but they do a lot of renovation work.

Gotcha. Don't know the guy, but he has had a few cool boats.

Refresh my memory if Jupiter if you will. Wasnt Mark Mcmanus the shop manager at Apache who was basically given Apache by the Feds after Ben Kramer and his dad were arrested?
Refresh my memory if Jupiter if you will. Wasnt Mark Mcmanus the shop manager at Apache who was basically given Apache by the Feds after Ben Kramer and his dad were arrested?

Yes he was. He continued running the shop for the Feds until the government decided they didn't want to be in the boat business. When Apache "split", Mark McManus took the 41' and 47' molds. Bob Saccente took the 24', 28' and 36' molds. The rights to the name and indian head logo was basically give to McManus but he somehow failed to register the name and corporation correctly until the lawsuit initiated by Thad Allen's Apache company in Delray Beach. Bobby Saccente found an ego maniac who owned a 47' Fountain but wanted his own custom Apache (Thad Allen) and joined forces to start a new Apache boat company. Saccente told Allen he would sell him the name Apache Powerboats and together they would revitalize the company. What Saccente really sold Allen was a related name (I think it was Warrior) and they oped shop in Delray beach. They were moving along pretty good and had some talented people working there....until Mr Ego (Allen) found out McManus had the name Apache and sued him to cease production. Allen spent millions chasing the lawsuit only to lose and was forced to close shop. McManus then correctly filed for the right to the name and logo and now legally owns Apache.
Wasnt Saccente operating a company under an Apache name but seperate from Apache Powerboats when Don Aranow was killed? Or was this company connected to Apache Powerboats? Also if Saccente got the smaller molds, was the Chief mold a streched 36 or a completely new mold and does he still have the smaller molds?

Sorry to take this away from the Checkmate guys. Always been interested in the offshore scene "back in the day" and its progression to today. Jupiter has a good amount of history and I saw an opening.

We know return you to the regular scheldued program already in progress!!!
Wasnt Saccente operating a company under an Apache name but seperate from Apache Powerboats when Don Aranow was killed? Or was this company connected to Apache Powerboats? Also if Saccente got the smaller molds, was the Chief mold a streched 36 or a completely new mold and does he still have the smaller molds?

Sorry to take this away from the Checkmate guys. Always been interested in the offshore scene "back in the day" and its progression to today. Jupiter has a good amount of history and I saw an opening.

We know return you to the regular scheldued program already in progress!!!

Same here mateman, i too have alawys been highly interested in the "thunderboat row" day's and the history of offshore powerboating!
Same here mateman, i too have alawys been highly interested in the "thunderboat row" day's and the history of offshore powerboating!

Think wild west with boats drugs and a lot of cutthroat business tactics I wish I was old enough to understand it when I visited as a kid we stopped almost every time we went to Florida which was basically every year.
sounds like a movie!

Funny you should say that, cuz actually it was!! Yes, in the late 80's there was a movie called ThunderBoat Row, an ABC television movie, i have it on DVD. It was extremely cheesy, but had many cool boats, and it was based (loosely) on the Don Aronow story. The history of the offshore go-fast boats and the Miami drug trade is very fascinating to me! The money was insane, risky buisness alright but those drug dealers lived it up before they either got caught or killed, and they bought some sick boats! I find it funny that even today big go-fast boats still have that drug dealer stigma attached to them, i have over heard spectators at some Poker runs say things like "must'a sold alot of drugs to buy that boat!", when really i don't think that is the case much any more.