Viper 1
Well-known member
Drug Dealers
CheckmateFever I Know First Hand what its Like to be Approached by Drug Dealers and I can Tell You it was a Really Scary time in My Life. Back when I Built My Warrior Cat and had Tested it at Mercury's Lake X, I had 2 Well Dressed Men in Expensive Suits Pull up in a Big Limousine at My Action Marine. When they walked into My Office they Knew who I was and that I was the One they wanted to Talk to without me even saying a word. When these 2 Men sat down the First Thing they Said was they came here to Buy My Warrior Cat. These Men Began to Tell Me they knew how Fast My Cat was and what Equipment I used to put it Together With. I was Shocked at what Information they knew about Me and My Warrior Cat. The only way these men could of known this kind of Information would of been Through one of My Friends at Mercury Hi-Performance. When ever I Built a Super Boat for Myself,Friends,Family and Employees I Always Did these Boats in Top Secrecy after Hours and with the Gates Locked. There were Many Times that I even send my Family and Employees Home after Hours so I could be all Alone with these Projects and do My Work without everyone else there asking Questions and Trying to Learn from what I was Doing. I have Always Been a very Private and very Secretive Person. So Now I was Face to Face with 2 Men that wanted to Not only Buy My Warrior Cat but where there to have Me Build 2 More Cats just Like My Warrior Cat. They told Me to Just Put a Price on My Warrior Cat and the Other 2 Cats and it would be a Done Deal. But With that they Also Wanted Me to Work for them and Take Care of there Hi-Performance Boats. I had Never Been so Scared and upset in all my life with what they wanted Me to Do. There was No Way I Wanted anything to do with these men or there Money. I Spent Hours trying to Get Myself out of this Situation without getting Myself Killed over Refusing there Offer. Finely I had Hoped I had Convinced them that I was Not there Man and I Could Not do what they where asking of me. I Can't Tell You that for the Longest Time that I was Not Scared to Death and Always Looking over My Shoulder Hoping that these 2 men would Not come back and have Something Bad Done to Me, My Family or My Action Marine. I Hope all of You Checkmate Members have a Great Weekend and Best Wishes Always Sammie Action Marine
CheckmateFever I Know First Hand what its Like to be Approached by Drug Dealers and I can Tell You it was a Really Scary time in My Life. Back when I Built My Warrior Cat and had Tested it at Mercury's Lake X, I had 2 Well Dressed Men in Expensive Suits Pull up in a Big Limousine at My Action Marine. When they walked into My Office they Knew who I was and that I was the One they wanted to Talk to without me even saying a word. When these 2 Men sat down the First Thing they Said was they came here to Buy My Warrior Cat. These Men Began to Tell Me they knew how Fast My Cat was and what Equipment I used to put it Together With. I was Shocked at what Information they knew about Me and My Warrior Cat. The only way these men could of known this kind of Information would of been Through one of My Friends at Mercury Hi-Performance. When ever I Built a Super Boat for Myself,Friends,Family and Employees I Always Did these Boats in Top Secrecy after Hours and with the Gates Locked. There were Many Times that I even send my Family and Employees Home after Hours so I could be all Alone with these Projects and do My Work without everyone else there asking Questions and Trying to Learn from what I was Doing. I have Always Been a very Private and very Secretive Person. So Now I was Face to Face with 2 Men that wanted to Not only Buy My Warrior Cat but where there to have Me Build 2 More Cats just Like My Warrior Cat. They told Me to Just Put a Price on My Warrior Cat and the Other 2 Cats and it would be a Done Deal. But With that they Also Wanted Me to Work for them and Take Care of there Hi-Performance Boats. I had Never Been so Scared and upset in all my life with what they wanted Me to Do. There was No Way I Wanted anything to do with these men or there Money. I Spent Hours trying to Get Myself out of this Situation without getting Myself Killed over Refusing there Offer. Finely I had Hoped I had Convinced them that I was Not there Man and I Could Not do what they where asking of me. I Can't Tell You that for the Longest Time that I was Not Scared to Death and Always Looking over My Shoulder Hoping that these 2 men would Not come back and have Something Bad Done to Me, My Family or My Action Marine. I Hope all of You Checkmate Members have a Great Weekend and Best Wishes Always Sammie Action Marine