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Drug Dealers

CheckmateFever I Know First Hand what its Like to be Approached by Drug Dealers and I can Tell You it was a Really Scary time in My Life. Back when I Built My Warrior Cat and had Tested it at Mercury's Lake X, I had 2 Well Dressed Men in Expensive Suits Pull up in a Big Limousine at My Action Marine. When they walked into My Office they Knew who I was and that I was the One they wanted to Talk to without me even saying a word. When these 2 Men sat down the First Thing they Said was they came here to Buy My Warrior Cat. These Men Began to Tell Me they knew how Fast My Cat was and what Equipment I used to put it Together With. I was Shocked at what Information they knew about Me and My Warrior Cat. The only way these men could of known this kind of Information would of been Through one of My Friends at Mercury Hi-Performance. When ever I Built a Super Boat for Myself,Friends,Family and Employees I Always Did these Boats in Top Secrecy after Hours and with the Gates Locked. There were Many Times that I even send my Family and Employees Home after Hours so I could be all Alone with these Projects and do My Work without everyone else there asking Questions and Trying to Learn from what I was Doing. I have Always Been a very Private and very Secretive Person. So Now I was Face to Face with 2 Men that wanted to Not only Buy My Warrior Cat but where there to have Me Build 2 More Cats just Like My Warrior Cat. They told Me to Just Put a Price on My Warrior Cat and the Other 2 Cats and it would be a Done Deal. But With that they Also Wanted Me to Work for them and Take Care of there Hi-Performance Boats. I had Never Been so Scared and upset in all my life with what they wanted Me to Do. There was No Way I Wanted anything to do with these men or there Money. I Spent Hours trying to Get Myself out of this Situation without getting Myself Killed over Refusing there Offer. Finely I had Hoped I had Convinced them that I was Not there Man and I Could Not do what they where asking of me. I Can't Tell You that for the Longest Time that I was Not Scared to Death and Always Looking over My Shoulder Hoping that these 2 men would Not come back and have Something Bad Done to Me, My Family or My Action Marine. I Hope all of You Checkmate Members have a Great Weekend and Best Wishes Always Sammie Action Marine
Viper, glad you were able say NO.

I would imagine looking back, that, was one of your better/best decissions.
You are to be commended for resisting the high pressure/easy money offer. That sounds like a crazy situation to be put in, so many others would not and do not have the courage you did.
Awesome story Sammie!! Yeah i don't blame you one bit for being scared, those guy's were cut-throat and that's putting it lightly!! I've read before that alot of the honest boat builder/dealers just went ahead and sold the drug runners boats with the "don't ask, don't tell" kinda policy. A show i watched said "hey, a guy shows up with a briefcase full of cash wanting to buy a boat from you, you know exactly what he does for living, but you take the money and run and don't ask questions!!" Must have been interesting to say the least back in the 80's to have been in the high-performace boat business, scary yes, but interesting!!
This is good reading seeing as Im watching Miami Vice (original TV series) right now.

Sammie, that would be one scary situation for sure! Glad you wiggled out of it!
Miami vice! He!! Ya! I watched every day when I was out of work with my knee. I wonder where all those big Chris Craft Scorpions went.
Thank You Checkmate Members

Thank You Checkmate Members for the Kind Words and Thanks. I am Glad Some of You Enjoyed Reading this Real Life situation that I was Put in. Trust Me it was Not One of My Better Days at My Action Marine and I Never Ever wanted to See them 2 Guys Again . Have a Great Weekend and Best Wishes Always Sammie Action Marine
Wasnt Saccente operating a company under an Apache name but seperate from Apache Powerboats when Don Aranow was killed? Or was this company connected to Apache Powerboats? Also if Saccente got the smaller molds, was the Chief mold a streched 36 or a completely new mold and does he still have the smaller molds?

Sorry to take this away from the Checkmate guys. Always been interested in the offshore scene "back in the day" and its progression to today. Jupiter has a good amount of history and I saw an opening.

We know return you to the regular scheldued program already in progress!!!

Saccente was working on numerous projects at the time trying to stay in the Offshore Powerboat business..he no longer had the backup of the guys with the real "deep" pockets as most of them were on the run or in jail! lol The hit on Don Aronow was orchestrated by Ben Kramer (the real Apache owner) while he was serving jail time. The history is that Ben Kramer hired the best in the business to make sure his boats were the fastest and best handling rough water boats so the Feds would not be able to catch them running drugs. (a couple famous names would be Bobb Saccente, Mark McManus, Keith Eikert, etc) Aronow (Cigarette fame) started a new boat company (USA Cats..If I remember) and had a contract with the Feds to build fast cats to chase drug boats. Kramer approached Aronow about purchasing the company (so he could monitor production and speeds to assure they would not run that fast) and a deal was struck. (A large check and an undisclosed amount of $$$$ under the table consumated the deal) As soon as the Feds found out they were buying boats from the main guy they were trying to catch..they cancelled their order on the remaining boats. Kramer went back to Aronow to renig on the deal and get his money back. Aronow, the sharp business man that he was, wrote him a check for the exact amount that Kramer paid for the company....less the undisclosed $$$$ under the table! ....and the war began!

The 43' Punisher is not a stretched 36. That mold was developed by a joint venture with Saccente and NuTech...
USA Racing Team was Aronow's company that built the DEA boats. My understanding was that the boats didnt live up to their hype. Too heavy and because of the weight, broke real easy and the tunnel was too narrow to be effective. Ive heard that Kramer was behind the hit and believe that he was involved from what ive read. What I find interesting is how Kramer was able to have the run of Thunderboat Row and could get what he wanted being a young, new face in the business.
Again, thankks for sharing what you know.
Miami vice! He!! Ya! I watched every day when I was out of work with my knee. I wonder where all those big Chris Craft Scorpions went.

Actually I had a 1984 32ft Scorpion back in the 80's {30 w/swimplatform} with a built 454, above waterline VERY LOUD exhaust, --- people used to jokingly say that I looked like something out of Miami Vice ---and they could hear me comming from a couple of miles away.
I could only push that thing to 70 mph tops,but those Scorpions were big heavy tanks and 70 mph in a 32ft ChrisCraft back in the 80's was really fast.
I ended up selling it in 1989 and still to this day consider it the best boat I ever owned.:sssh: {Sorry fellow Checkmate owners --- when I finish my Vision I'm sure that'll be the best boat I ever owned :D}
The only thing I can tel you is that controversy follows the name "Bob Saccente" in every venture he's involved with:shakehead:. It begins with the original Apache boat company, followed by Nutech, then the failed venture with Thad Allen's misnamed "Apache" and following lawsuit with Mark McManus (real Apache), the failed "Chief" boat company, a failed joint venture with Active Thunder and now he's back again. The man may have been a genius throttle man back in the day with Ben Kramer..and he may have a great deal of knowledge in boat design and refurbishing old Apaches...but a businessman he is not!

Bobby never has his own toys...they all belong to other people with deep pockets. He just always surrounds himself with the "Apache Mystique" and finds people who want to "invest" in the "Apache Cult". The real owner of Apache is Mark Mcmanus on the west coast of Florida. Few new Apaches are built (if any) each year but they do a lot of renovation work.

Yes he was. He continued running the shop for the Feds until the government decided they didn't want to be in the boat business. When Apache "split", Mark McManus took the 41' and 47' molds. Bob Saccente took the 24', 28' and 36' molds. The rights to the name and indian head logo was basically give to McManus but he somehow failed to register the name and corporation correctly until the lawsuit initiated by Thad Allen's Apache company in Delray Beach. Bobby Saccente found an ego maniac who owned a 47' Fountain but wanted his own custom Apache (Thad Allen) and joined forces to start a new Apache boat company. Saccente told Allen he would sell him the name Apache Powerboats and together they would revitalize the company. What Saccente really sold Allen was a related name (I think it was Warrior) and they oped shop in Delray beach. They were moving along pretty good and had some talented people working there....until Mr Ego (Allen) found out McManus had the name Apache and sued him to cease production. Allen spent millions chasing the lawsuit only to lose and was forced to close shop. McManus then correctly filed for the right to the name and logo and now legally owns Apache.

Saccente was working on numerous projects at the time trying to stay in the Offshore Powerboat business..he no longer had the backup of the guys with the real "deep" pockets as most of them were on the run or in jail! lol The hit on Don Aronow was orchestrated by Ben Kramer (the real Apache owner) while he was serving jail time. The history is that Ben Kramer hired the best in the business to make sure his boats were the fastest and best handling rough water boats so the Feds would not be able to catch them running drugs. (a couple famous names would be Bobb Saccente, Mark McManus, Keith Eikert, etc) Aronow (Cigarette fame) started a new boat company (USA Cats..If I remember) and had a contract with the Feds to build fast cats to chase drug boats. Kramer approached Aronow about purchasing the company (so he could monitor production and speeds to assure they would not run that fast) and a deal was struck. (A large check and an undisclosed amount of $$$$ under the table consumated the deal) As soon as the Feds found out they were buying boats from the main guy they were trying to catch..they cancelled their order on the remaining boats. Kramer went back to Aronow to renig on the deal and get his money back. Aronow, the sharp business man that he was, wrote him a check for the exact amount that Kramer paid for the company....less the undisclosed $$$$ under the table! ....and the war began!

The 43' Punisher is not a stretched 36. That mold was developed by a joint venture with Saccente and NuTech...

Guys, before this crap gets out of hand, please get your information correct.

1. Spell the name correctly, it's "Saccenti"
2. "Apache Powerboats" was created/started LONG before Kramer (1981 to be exact). It was started by Bob Saccenti in Long Island, NY and eventually incorporated in Florida. Go check the records. The first Apache was NOT a 41'.
3. The Apache logo was a symbol created by Saccenti because he had an Apache wooden nickel in his desk draw.
4. Saccenti, disassociated himself from Apache when things with Kramer started to get shady. He moved across the street and started "Apache Boats".
5. Saccenti did NOT "GET" the 36', 28' and 22' molds from Kramer. He built them on his own. The first boat, a 36' (was supposed to be a 35') came from the 41' Apache. Saccenti approached Kramer and asked if they could pull a plug by putting a damn in the mold of a 41'. McManus, not knowing how to use a measuring tape, sent Saccenti a 36' plug. Saccenti and his team put rocker in the bottom of the plug and made the hull and deck molds for the 36' and "Apache Boats" was born.
6. Saccenti designed the 28' and 22' hulls. He did NOT get them from Kramer.
7. Thad Allen and a few others started the new Apache before Saccenti was involved. He left the company because Allen was a drug abuser and didn't agree with how they wanted to build the boat.
8. Saccenti sold nothing to Allen, Jack sold the Apache rights to Thad Allen. McManus lawyer then found the loophole and was able to get everything because the only person who was allowed to own Apache was Saccenti because he was the founder. And this is why for many years McManus build "Comanche's" instead of "Apache's".

I can keep going if need be... :)
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Guys, before this crap gets out of hand, please get your information correct.

1. Spell the name correctly, it's "Saccenti"
2. "Apache Powerboats" was created/started LONG before Kramer (1981 to be exact). It was started by Bob Saccenti in Long Island, NY and eventually incorporated in Florida. Go check the records. The first Apache was NOT a 41'.
3. The Apache logo was a symbol created by Saccenti because he had an Apache wooden nickel in his desk draw.
4. Saccenti, disassociated himself from Apache when things with Kramer started to get shady. He moved across the street and started "Apache Boats".
5. Saccenti did NOT "GET" the 36', 28' and 22' molds from Kramer. He built them on his own. The first boat, a 36' (was supposed to be a 35') came from the 41' Apache. Saccenti approached Kramer and asked if they could pull a plug by putting a damn in the mold of a 41'. McManus, not knowing how to use a measuring tape, sent Saccenti a 36' plug. Saccenti and his team put rocker in the bottom of the plug and made the hull and deck molds for the 36' and "Apache Boats" was born.
6. Saccenti designed the 28' and 22' hulls. He did NOT get them from Kramer.
7. Thad Allen and a few others started the new Apache before Saccenti was involved. He left the company because Allen was a drug abuser and didn't agree with how they wanted to build the boat.
8. Saccenti sold nothing to Allen, Jack sold the Apache rights to Thad Allen. McManus lawyer then found the loophole and was able to get everything because the only person who was allowed to own Apache was Saccenti because he was the founder. And this is why for many years McManus build "Comanche's" instead of "Apache's".

I can keep going if need be... :)

Not exactly correct....there's a lot of "gray" area in all your statements but I'm not here to banter or start a wild controversial "Apache" thread like they did on Offshore Only. There have been a few variations of the "Apache" built boats...(Apache, Apache Powerboats, Apache Boats, Apache Offshore, etc.) The confusion lies in who started what, where and when..I never stated Bob got the 24/28/36 molds from Kramer (in fact Kramer was incarcerated at the time). I only stated that McManus took the 41/47 molds and Bobby took the smaller 24/28/36' molds when the Feds turned the company over. There were no "Apache" rights sold to Thad Allen...in fact the name "Apache" wasn't even part of the corporate documents sold to Allen. From what I've been told it was Bob Saccenti who orchestrated the deal and put Thad together with all the people involved. It could've been a great company had Thad focused on finishing a boat instead of fighting a lawsuit..which is one of the reasons Bobby left along with the fact that Thad had other "issues". Bobby is always an exciting person to speak with and has a vast amount of knowledge and story...but as I stated in my earlier post; the controversy and mystique of "Apache" is never far behind Bob Saccenti!
Ahh the good ole days. Miami Vice..Cigarette Boats..Scarface.

Then came along legal stealing and everything got so boring.
Not exactly correct....there's a lot of "gray" area in all your statements but I'm not here to banter or start a wild controversial "Apache" thread like they did on Offshore Only. There have been a few variations of the "Apache" built boats...(Apache, Apache Powerboats, Apache Boats, Apache Offshore, etc.) The confusion lies in who started what, where and when..I never stated Bob got the 24/28/36 molds from Kramer (in fact Kramer was incarcerated at the time). I only stated that McManus took the 41/47 molds and Bobby took the smaller 24/28/36' molds when the Feds turned the company over. There were no "Apache" rights sold to Thad Allen...in fact the name "Apache" wasn't even part of the corporate documents sold to Allen. From what I've been told it was Bob Saccenti who orchestrated the deal and put Thad together with all the people involved. It could've been a great company had Thad focused on finishing a boat instead of fighting a lawsuit..which is one of the reasons Bobby left along with the fact that Thad had other "issues". Bobby is always an exciting person to speak with and has a vast amount of knowledge and story...but as I stated in my earlier post; the controversy and mystique of "Apache" is never far behind Bob Saccenti!

Saccenti didn't "take" the molds to the 22/24/28/36 because he made them under his company name "Apache Boats", your statement is incorrect. "Apache Powerboats" and all its assets were siezed by the government, not Apache Boats.

It's confusting to follow but that's the facts.

Jack (cashbrain) orchestrated the deal. What Jack sold to Thad were the "rights" to the Apache "name and logo" and the molds for the "Apache Boats" but what Jack didn't realize was the only person who could hold the rights to Apache was Bob Saccenti because he was the founder and because of that loophole McManus was able to win his case.... Ask yourself the question, "if this weren't true, why wouldn't McAnus have pursued the name and molds a decade earlier?" Because they rightfully belonged to Saccenti.

Apache Offshore = Race Team
Apache Powerboats = Saccenti/Kramer/McManus
Apache Boats = Saccenti

But like you said, I'm not here to banter but since you brought up some facts that are incorrect, I felt obligated to correct them.

Let's stay focused on the Punisher! :)
Saccenti didn't "take" the molds to the 22/24/28/36 because he made them under his company name "Apache Boats", your statement is incorrect. "Apache Powerboats" and all its assets were siezed by the government, not Apache Boats.

It's confusting to follow but that's the facts.

Jack (cashbrain) orchestrated the deal. What Jack sold to Thad were the "rights" to the Apache "name and logo" and the molds for the "Apache Boats" but what Jack didn't realize was the only person who could hold the rights to Apache was Bob Saccenti because he was the founder and because of that loophole McManus was able to win his case.... Ask yourself the question, "if this weren't true, why wouldn't McAnus have pursued the name and molds a decade earlier?" Because they rightfully belonged to Saccenti.

Apache Offshore = Race Team
Apache Powerboats = Saccenti/Kramer/McManus
Apache Boats = Saccenti

But like you said, I'm not here to banter but since you brought up some facts that are incorrect, I felt obligated to correct them.

Let's stay focused on the Punisher! :)

Agreed!:thumb: The Punisher is an entirely different animal built by an entirely different group of people! I would love to see more than just one Checkmate Punisher and hopefully they'll be able to market and sell this new model for the Checkmate lineup! I do have a question though...if Bobby Saccenti had the rights to the name "Apache"...why did he not continue building boats under that name?? How could McManus win the lawsuit against Thad when the rightful owner to the name "Apache" was Bob Saccenti?? Still so many mysteries and ghosts in the closet!! lol
I do have a question though...if Bobby Saccenti had the rights to the name "Apache"...why did he not continue building boats under that name?? How could McManus win the lawsuit against Thad when the rightful owner to the name "Apache" was Bob Saccenti??

Around that time frame Bobby wasn't building many boats and was nearing retirement. He's roughly the same age as my father (67 yrs old).

McManus won the lawsuit because the only person who was "entitled" to hold the rights to the Apache name was Saccenti. So when Saccenti relinquished Apache to Jack (Cashbrain) and then Jack to Thad, he essentially gave up that privilege and it opened the door for McManus. Believe me, McManus is no saint. Had Saccenti know what he was giving up would have been taken by McManus, he would have never sold everything. He was misguided and still devastated to this day by all that transpired.

If you're interested in hearing the whole story I can give you his phone number.
Have they built more than one? The one by me is the only one I know about so far. I doubt this one will go to any boat show.