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I want to send out a big thank you to jrs1958 for his kind donation.
I want to send out my thanks to Black Pulse for his donation. I've been crazy busy at work, so this is a little late coming. I was waiting to get BP's avatar zipped together before I sent out the official thanks.

So.....thanks BP.
I would like to thank bdbusted440 for his donation.

Thanks BD, it's very much appreciated!
Thanks for your interest in supporting the board.

You can click the Donate button at the bottom of the board and that will take you to the supporter's page. Then you just click the donate button and you can donate via paypal.
Thanks for the generous donation Brian.

That's very much appeciated!

Let me know what we can do for an avatar and I'll put that together for you. I've also got your pics and I'll get them posted in a day or two.

Thanks again!
Thanks for the donation Matt!

I appreciate it very much.

Let me know what you would like for your avatar and I'll get it put together for you.
I want to send out a big thanks to Ray at Ocean Outboard for their nice donation.

Thanks Ray and Ocean Outboard.

For those of you who haven't seen it yet, check out the thread in main where Ocean Outboard is doing a build up on a 30' Convincor Outboard.
Well, I opened up my email box yesterday and there were two donation notifications in it. That was a nice surprise!

I want to send out a big thanks to Bubba and ynnad. Thanks very much fellas I appreciate your kind support.

Let me know if I can update your avatars and what you would like.
I would like to thank our newest supporting vendor The Prop Shop for their kind donation. Our very own member boatman4021 (Gary) runs the propshop and has informed me he is offering discounts to board members who would like to purchase a prop from The Propshop.

Thanks again for the donation Gary.
I received two donations today.

So I'd like to send out a big thank you to both Checkm8fan and Kelly O for their generous donations. Thanks very much people, I appreciate your generous support.
Hey wicked.

The avatar looks pretty good.

Thanks for supporting our community and most of all thanks for the kind words. They mean a lot.