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Thank you to one of our long time members, lt133 who just got himself a one year supporter's subscription.

Thanks lt!

We appreciate your kind support. :thumb: :)
I'd like to send out a big thank you to Merc245 who donated and got himself a one year supporter's subscription. :thumb:

Thanks Merc, your continuing support is very much appreciated! :)
I'd also like to thank one of our newer members Bob Dobbs, who donated and got himself a one year supporter's subscription.

Thank you Bob, welcome to the board and good luck with that search for a Check. :banana:

Chris, I want to thank you for all the help you already have given me on answering some questions regarding a boat purchase. You have a great site here with many members giving good advice. Supporting this site is well worth the information you gain from you and other members. One of my favorite areas is the gallery and the fact that you can view just about every Checkmate ever made through the Checkmate brochures. Putting these brochures up in the gallery is for sure one of many elements that compliments a well put together site. Keep up the great work!!!

I'd like to send out a big thank you to our long time member Vinny who donated and got himself a one year member's subscription.

Thank you Vinny!

Most of all, I'd like thank you for the contributions you make to the board on a daily basis, by helping the your fellow members. :)

I'd like to send out a big thank you to sawcat who just got himself a one year supporter's subscription. :thumb:

Thank you sawcat!

We appreciate your support! :)
Bargain Donation!

Thank you for your work and all the great board members who make this site what it is.In a very short time on the board I have learned a great deal from the board members that have been there and done the things many of us need to know. So in my case the donation is a steal . and the Comedy isn't bad either SAWCAT '92 Pulse 185 :cheers
Thank you for your work and all the great board members who make this site what it is.In a very short time on the board I have learned a great deal from the board members that have been there and done the things many of us need to know. So in my case the donation is a steal . and the Comedy isn't bad either SAWCAT '92 Pulse 185 :cheers
I'd like to send out a big thank you to Coop who extended out his supporter's subscription for the fourth billion time.

Thanks Coop! I appreciate your ongoing support. I'd also like to thank you for all your help and advice you've given, (literally for years!) on the forums here and as well as on your own site. :)
I'd like to send out a big thank you to Red pulse who also extended out his supporter's subscription for an additional year.

Thanks Red, we appreciate your continuing support! :thumb:
I'd like to send out a big thank you to Coop who extended out his supporter's subscription for the fourth billion time.

Thanks Coop! I appreciate your ongoing support. I'd also like to thank you for all your help and advice you've given, (literally for years!) on the forums here and as well as on your own site. :)
Wow.. I just realized its been three years this month. This site is huge compared to back then. Lots of changes, members come, members go, with many members still hanging around.

What a great place to visit on the web.
Wow.. I just realized its been three years this month. This site is huge compared to back then. Lots of changes, members come, members go, with many members still hanging around.

What a great place to visit on the web.
Thanks Coop. And it goes without sayin', we appreciate havin' ya here. :)
I would like to send out a big thank you to idgaf74 who just donated and got himself a one year supporter's subscription.

Thank you for your support idgaf! :)
Well coop I cant let you out do me I just renewed too.:bigthumb: Has it b een three years already. :drool: alright lets get the next three goin.:banana:
Thanks Brian!

I appreciate your continuing support over the years.

I extended out your subscription for ya, so you should be all good to go. :)

Yesterday was a busy day in the Checkmate-Boats donation department. :)

So I'd like to send out some thank you's to the following members.

I'd like to send out a big thank you to one of our long time members F150GT, who mailed in a nice cheque and got himself supporter's subscription. Thank you F150 for your kind support and for taking the time to support the site. :thumb:

I'd also like to send out another big thank you to another long time member, Boston Predictor who also got a supporter's subscription. Thank you as well BP! We appreciate the support! :)

And finally, I'd like to send out a big thank you to MrSkoot, who also donated and got a one year supporter's subscription! Thank you MrSkoot!

Thank you everyone! The support is really, really kind, we definitely appreciate it. It means a lot, that people enjoy and care enough about the board to support it. :)

Thanks Brian!

I appreciate your continuing support over the years.

I extended out your subscription for ya, so you should be all good to go. :)
Thanks chris its a kick $$ sight.In the words of one of my favorite bands "It's what dreams are made of" Ok so its the second generation of vh but its still vh:devil:
Thanks chris its a kick $$ sight.In the words of one of my favorite bands "It's what dreams are made of" Ok so its the second generation of vh but its still vh:devil:
Thanks brother, that mean a lot. We've certainly all come a long way together over the years that's for sure. Collectively, we've certainly built a pretty neat thing here. :)
I'd like to send out a big thank you to ontopcop who purchased a one year supporter's subscription. :)

Thanks ontop!

Your support is very much appreciated and helps a lot. :thumb:
I'd like to send out a big thank you to our long time member Jupiter Pulsare who renewed his supporters subscription!

Thanks Jup! We appreciate your continuing support.

Enjoy. :)