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Even More CL Finds!

Definitely priced low but would be a limited build single carb situation. Not familiar with any whipple under 2.3 ltr though. They start around 7k each +++.
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Definitely priced lowthat would be a limited build single carb situation. Not familiar with any whipple under 2.3 ltr though. They start around 7k each +++.

I saw that a few weeks ago but isn't it wierd how they bolt to the top of any square bore manifold?
They can't make much power.

I guess technically you could stack one on top of the other lol

Maybe I'll run em both on my nova with no hood.
I don't have enough hair for the mandatory mullet that would be required though.
if he had a title and I could seek 200 out of the house I would consider it. but the process to get a title for a boat without one is nuts. it could take up to 500 dollars to get a title. If they find it has been reported as stolen then I would just lose the boat and hope to not be in any trouble. plus that it looks like it had an OMC in it.
02 270 Convincor w- 496 Mag for 20k.

97 Convincor w- 454 for 16k.

00 242 Convincor w- 500HP supercharged for 32k.

95 216 Convincor w- broken 454 for $4999.

95 219 Persuader w- 454 for $9995.

84 Starlet (?) no motor for $300.

88 Diplomat w- 4.3L for $6800.