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Even More CL Finds!

He's got PA stickers on one side and NY Stickers on the other...usually you gotta pay extra for non matching, crooked stickers.
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Well, if I was looking for a 25 footer that GTX would get a once over, I know that a Black boat would be hot and likely the finish is sun faded at this point, but still.
Well, if I was looking for a 25 footer that GTX would get a once over, I know that a Black boat would be hot and likely the finish is sun faded at this point, but still.


I really liked it but passed due to the black and knowing I'd have to do something to cover the purple stripes 😉
Hold up a tick. I like da pink. He's got to list it up here where the sun is more elusive. that black hull would be comfy on a gray day...

I really liked it but passed due to the black and knowing I'd have to do something to cover the purple stripes ��

The pink and purple stripes would not stop me, I kinda like them and I think the cockpit colors are nice too.
The pink and purple stripes would not stop me, I kinda like them and I think the cockpit colors are nice too.

I liked black boats until moving to Fla.

I put my hand on the deck of one, in the sun.

A buddy down there put an infared thermometer on his and I think he told me 169* !

Regardless, that probably is a pretty boat in the sun light.

Just reminds of all the Bajas of that era w/their teals and maroons that soon became pink.

That 280 is the same dealer I bought my boat before shipping it to Holland EU.
Great guys to deal with!